Russ & Meredith Martin

The Pickle Tastes Sour

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Dear WBC Friends, thank you so much for your prayer and concern about the schooling situation with our kids. We shared that we feel in a "bit of a pickle". To butcher the metaphor, the pickle tastes a bit sour, but we're moving forward.

Here's how God is answering your prayers.

We asked you to pray:
- For favor with our current school that might enable us to continue there.
God answered this by making it clear that we didn't have favor. Basically a discount that we had been previously getting was removed and with enrolling a third child it effectively doubles our cost, making it unsustainable and pricing us out of the market. We asked for reconsideration and were denied.

- For us to trust God's sovereignty with potential changes.
God answered this through some meaningful times in His Word and in prayer. He has been impressing on our hearts, "There's a reason" and that we can/need to trust that He's good. We've been studying James and 1 Peter and the words "joy" and "gladness" in the context of trials really strike us. Our instinct is to be frustrated with the disruption, rather that embrace what God might have for us. We realize this is deepening our faith and rooting out unbelief in our hearts.

- For discernment in making this decision with imperfect information.
We are now engaged with two schools that have quality programs that will meet the needs of our family at a reasonable price point (expats must pay for private school in Singapore). There are pros and cons, and we grieve no longer being within walking distance to school, but we realize in the grand scheme of life the fact that we even have to make this decision reveals our privilege.

We feel so honoured by your prayers and the many notes of encouragement we received as we needed to move on this quickly. Thank you for journeying with us in helping to lead the next generation of digital missions. It means so much to have you on the team.

Russ (for Meredith & the kids)