Phil & Andrea - April 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For healing for Kieran's ankle. For providing co-op jobs for Liam and Cara. For keeping each of our family safe and healthy. For the many ways we see him at work in our lives and in those that we engage with. For the continued stream of enquirers considering service in the Middle East. PRAY: That we will continue to be intentional to look for those many ways that God is at work and give him the praise and glory he deserves. That some of those enquiring about service in the Middle East will make a commitment to serve. For Kieran and Makenzie as they plan their wedding and that they will have a marriage centred on Christ. That Liam will get a co-op job for next semester. That Cara can be a testimony for Christ as she serves as a residence don. That we can maintain productive online relationships with our colleagues, despite the long period without face-to-face time.

Jenn Brubacher (Youth For Christ)

I Have All That I Need

2020 has been a ride with a lot of highs and lows. As I reflect on the last six months I see the ways God has answered my prayers. I often come back to Psalm 23:1 (NLT) : 

The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

Praise God that in the chaos of Covid and all that entails, our Father is the One who leads us in the unknown, guides our every step & remains our Hope throughout it all. Every single need we have is met and fulfilled in Him. As I meet with youth who really struggle with anxiety, bake with students online and pray with my small group, God is the One shepherding us.

Here's What We've Been Up To!

  • God is using the Work Friends podcast to reach approximately 100 youth, young adults and parents as we sit with guests and talk about suffering, caring well of ourselves and others, and much more, all being centred around faith.

  • Playing volleyball once a week at Between the Lines has been a blast and another way to connect with students.

  • We hold a lunch drop-in three times a week to provide students a place to eat, hangout and shoot some hoops! We’re able to have great conversations here and have met a lot of new students because of it!

  • As leaders, we felt the responsibility to do what we can to take care of our students emotionally, spiritually and physically. We recreated our weekly leadership program to focus on spiritual AND physical growth. 

Exciting News!As of January 1, 2021, I have taken a bigger leadership position in becoming the Campus Life Director, overseeing and leading school ministries. Because of the pandemic, this position looks a bit different than it has in the …

Exciting News!

As of January 1, 2021, I have taken a bigger leadership position in becoming the Campus Life Director, overseeing and leading school ministries. Because of the pandemic, this position looks a bit different than it has in the past. Nevertheless, God has given me wisdom, clarity and creativity in how to best serve students. I look forward to what's to come!

Work Friends!This has been SO FUN to create and God has been good and gracious in the way He is directing Work Friends. This season we’re chatting with people from different walks of life to hear their stories and how God has been faithful…

Work Friends!

This has been SO FUN to create and God has been good and gracious in the way He is directing Work Friends. This season we’re chatting with people from different walks of life to hear their stories and how God has been faithful throughout. Click the button below to listen to one of our latest episode!

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- Our drop-in team needs wisdom! God has opened so many doors to have great conversations with students, and they are ready to talk about the painful things they're experiencing. We need His guidance, grace and discernment.

- Peace that only God can give; many students are wrestling with anxiety and uncertainty about the future.

- The financial needs for personal deputation and the general account will be met at Youth Unlimited YFC North Perth's virtual fundraiser.

For more information about the Virtual Fundraising Event, check out

Thank You!

As we hit the 1 year anniversary of our world turning upside down, I want to thank you for your faithful commitment in supporting the work God is doing in Youth Unlimited YFC North Perth.
If you would like to partner with me in sharing the good news of the Gospel with youth in North Perth, you can do so by clicking the 'donate' button below and of course, by praying for me and the rest of the team.

All For His Glory,

Phil & Andrea Bauman


Do you see it?

As the snow melted off our front flowerbed last week, Andrea eagerly pointed out some green shoots poking out of the ground (and through the mesh intended to keep digging squirrels at bay).

Do you see it? This is a question we need to ask in ministry too. Many times we don't look for, or acknowledge the multitude of ways that show God is at work. If we fail to see him at work, we miss opportunities to give him the praise and glory he deserves. 

A gardener doesn't wait until the flowers are in full bloom before noticing. Likewise in ministry, we shouldn't just wait for the headline events. What are those small things that show God is at work? We should look for them:  

... to see people continue to enquire about and prepare for service in the Middle East

... to see new workers arrive and plunge into Arabic learning

... to see workers have the opportunity to move to a new place in an area where the gospel is even less known

... to see a large school have the opportunity to share Christ daily in online chapels

... to see workers have opportunities to point people toward Christ, carefully, one nugget at a time, in conversations made possible by deepening relationships and trust

... to see workers, and especially local believers, persevere in difficult situations

These are just a few examples of the many ways God is at work in the Middle East  - all things we should praise God for.

Beyond the Middle East: 

... to see Personnel Coordinators develop skills and be more confident in their roles is evidence of God at work. We need to give him glory.

... to see leadership teams develop partnerships and plan ministries hat cross barriers to the Gospel, is something to give God praise for.

Some of these may seem insignificant in light of our purpose but it is God at work in the small things that allows us to continue to pursue our purpose.

Convinced that
no one should live and die
without hearing God’s good news,
we believe that He has called us
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
in communities where He is least known

It is this Gospel purpose that gives us focus. This is why we spend hours connecting with our colleagues by Zoom, Signal, and email.

When will we travel?

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This is a question we often get asked. It is also a question we ask ourselves. Before COVID most of our routine work was already conducted virtually so COVID travel restrictions have not been a huge disruption to that.
The inability to travel is beginning to be felt most keenly in our interactions with our closest colleagues. We usually had the opportunity to meet in person with them at least once a year. Now, we are not expecting to be face to face with many of our closest colleagues for 2 years, and quite possibly more!
There are also some specific situations when working with teams that require in-person events. The lack of travel has meant delaying these events.
We are grateful for all that can be done online but there are limitations. Pray for wisdom as we consider when travel will be appropriate.

Family Update

Last fall we shared this photo. Unfortunately restrictions have meant that we have not had all 7 of us around the table since then. We are grateful that we can now at least have 5 of us together. For a while our family interaction was limited to online (almost like when we were on different continents) and outdoor winter walks.

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We are grateful Kieran's ankle has healed well. He and Mackenzie are now in the final stages of planning their June 12th wedding. Liam (4th year) and Cara (2nd year) are both currently working co-op jobs. Liam is looking for another co-op job for May-August. Cara will be returning to online classes for May-August while she serves as a residence don at the university.


Did you know, SIM Canada runs online SIMinars twice a month for those interested in learning more about different aspects of mission? Subjects have ranged from “What is poverty?” “What do missionaries do and why?” and “Single in ministry”

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This month’s SIMinar is "Business as Mission: Theory vs. Reality" Thursday, April 8 at 8pm [EDT] (click the link to register).

We’d also love to invite you to SIM Canada’s 2021 Virtual Banquet: "Changing times, unchanging God." Saturday, May 8th, at 7pm [EDT] (click the link to register).

You can learn about these and other events at

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • healing for Kieran's ankle.

  • for providing co-op jobs for Liam and Cara.

  • for keeping each of our family safe and healthy.

  • for the many ways we see him at work in our lives and in those that we engage with.

  • for the continued stream of enquirers considering service in the Middle East.


  • that we will continue to be intentional to look for those many ways that God is at work and give him the praise and glory he deserves.

  • that some of those enquiring about service in the Middle East will make a commitment to serve.

  • for Kieran and Makenzie as they plan their wedding and that they will have a marriage centred on Christ.

  • that Liam will get a co-op job for next semester.

  • that Cara can be a testimony for Christ as she serves as a residence don.

  • that we can maintain productive online relationships with our colleagues, despite the long period without face-to-face time.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil

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Charlotte Martin: "A story to share and an invitation to extend . . ."


It's always rewarding to watch a student's perspective shift, and their heart become more like Christ's. During this year of COVID our global missions team has been focusing on helping students care about what God is doing globally.

For the reading week break our East Asia staff, who remain grounded in Canada, put together a mini webinar series (see the Instagram ad above) where student's learned about our calling to make disciples of all nations, the history of missions, current needs and how they can be involved. About 20 students participated. A student from the University of Guelph recently said that this "conference" was the P2C highlight of her semester. Here's what she said,

"I have been wondering if missions is for me, and ultimately what God has in store for me, as I like to plan out my life! I felt encouraged by that experience because I gained a lot more knowledge about what missions truly is. I was touched by a message that was shared by one speaker about the importance of Bible translation. Although I am not gifted with languages, for right now I felt convicted of the way I give to missions... even just through prayer or monetary donations. My heart ached for those who have never even seen a full Bible and I've been made more thankful for the number of resources, translations and commentaries we have available in English!!"

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).


You're Invited!

An online event
Saturday, April 17
at either 8pm Eastern or 8pm Pacific
A week of stories and hope online
Monday, April 12 to Friday, April 16

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In this past year of disruption we've been ministering to students in new ways – in every way we can imagine. And we have stories to share of what God has been doing.

Each day starting Monday, April 12th, we’ll release new stories. Find them on social media or get them sent right to your inbox by signing up here.

Learn more, register, or request an email reminder for the April 17th online event here:

*Register for the online event before April 1st, and you will receive an event package in the mail. This will help you experience the broadcast in greater fullness right from your home!

Russ & Meredith Martin

10 Workers, 1 Missionary, A Tablet and the Gospel

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"There are times that remind us that we are missionaries. Yesterday, very far from the city, a conversation was initiated with a group of peasants using digital media.” 

We received this message from Bayang, a colleague in Chad, who spends many hours travelling by motorbike and boat to remote villages and using digital media to help the last, the lost and the least to discover Jesus. This photo makes us smile, because it means our work is having an impact, not to mention the clever use of a jerry can.

Bringing the gospel across barriers is the heartbeat of our work in digital missions. Last year, we spent significant time developing the capacity for leaders like Bayang to have the technology, internet connections and content necessary to help others discover Jesus. This photo is one small representation of the fruit of our labor. We will likely never travel to this remote place, but together our partnership is bringing the gospel there.

Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below: March is Birthday Month
1. Heath turned 5 and neighbour turned 7 - joint party!
2. Wyatt turned 9 - He planned all the details of his birthday party.
3. Celebrating our friend's birthday with highly awarded chicken rice

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