Charlotte Martin: "A story to share and an invitation to extend . . ."


It's always rewarding to watch a student's perspective shift, and their heart become more like Christ's. During this year of COVID our global missions team has been focusing on helping students care about what God is doing globally.

For the reading week break our East Asia staff, who remain grounded in Canada, put together a mini webinar series (see the Instagram ad above) where student's learned about our calling to make disciples of all nations, the history of missions, current needs and how they can be involved. About 20 students participated. A student from the University of Guelph recently said that this "conference" was the P2C highlight of her semester. Here's what she said,

"I have been wondering if missions is for me, and ultimately what God has in store for me, as I like to plan out my life! I felt encouraged by that experience because I gained a lot more knowledge about what missions truly is. I was touched by a message that was shared by one speaker about the importance of Bible translation. Although I am not gifted with languages, for right now I felt convicted of the way I give to missions... even just through prayer or monetary donations. My heart ached for those who have never even seen a full Bible and I've been made more thankful for the number of resources, translations and commentaries we have available in English!!"

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).


You're Invited!

An online event
Saturday, April 17
at either 8pm Eastern or 8pm Pacific
A week of stories and hope online
Monday, April 12 to Friday, April 16

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In this past year of disruption we've been ministering to students in new ways – in every way we can imagine. And we have stories to share of what God has been doing.

Each day starting Monday, April 12th, we’ll release new stories. Find them on social media or get them sent right to your inbox by signing up here.

Learn more, register, or request an email reminder for the April 17th online event here:

*Register for the online event before April 1st, and you will receive an event package in the mail. This will help you experience the broadcast in greater fullness right from your home!