Trevor & Hannah Martin



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Stress, anxiety and depression are at an all time high in university and college students. Each student has their own stressors that impact their day to day and the isolation of the pandemic amplifies the negative thoughts and feelings. Power to Change has been a helpful community for many to build friendships to walk through these tough times together. Our hope is not only that our students would thrive in their mental health during this time, but also that they could help their friends who don't know Christ thrive as well. We are addressing mental health issues in a couple of different ways.

The men of Power to Change Waterloo had a heart to heart conversation about the difficulties they were facing. They encouraged each other, prayed for each other and set up supports for the future so that no man is an island. It's often harder for me…

The men of Power to Change Waterloo had a heart to heart conversation about the difficulties they were facing. They encouraged each other, prayed for each other and set up supports for the future so that no man is an island. It's often harder for men to express their need for mental health help and we hope the stigma was broken with this event.

The women of Power to Change Waterloo gathered online to discuss the spiritual, emotional and physical sides of mental health. We partnered with a local church who has a registered therapist on their staff and she gave some great resources for when …

The women of Power to Change Waterloo gathered online to discuss the spiritual, emotional and physical sides of mental health. We partnered with a local church who has a registered therapist on their staff and she gave some great resources for when times get tough and also how to help others who are struggling.

We have also addressed this need on our P2C-Students blog and had training for our staff to know how to address languishing mental health in ourselves or those we are serving. Through all of this, we are reminded that God is in control. He knows the pain and struggles of each person and is not far from those who seek Him.

Please pray with us for these students in this last month of this school year. They are currently in mid-terms and final exams/assignments are looming.

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Family fun

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Some links you might like

1) Mental health series on the P2C-Students blog
2) Sparrow by Corey Asbury (a song that Trevor's been listening to)
3) Monster Cookies (this recipe makes a lot so save some dough made into balls in the freezer for a quick batch later)

God is doing amazing things through students amidst the hardships.
Please pray that God and His gospel
would be the hope for a hurting generation.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

Trevor & Hannah - March 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For quick action by a plumber to fix a toilet leak in our house. For neighbourhood winter care packages that we were able to give out and have some opportunities to be a light to our neighbours. PRAY: For students and us to have opportunities to share Jesus with friends, coworkers, classmates and neighbours. For more students to attend national monthly webinars that Trevor is leading on various topics related to "How to Live on mission". For graduating students to be sent off well.

Russ & Meredith - March 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: We are in a really good work/school/life rhythm as a family. Meaningful and practical opportunities to serve our neighbors in a variety of ways. For our colleagues in Mali that have raised up 1,000 digital missionaries over the last 5 years! PRAY: For Russ to find the right person to recruit to a marketing role with the Indigitous network. Heath's challenges with skin issues continue and he wakes during the night in a lot of discomfort, pray for insight and healing. How to best support non-believing neighbours, A & C, with significant marital challenges.

Robert & Susan - March 2021

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC)  PRAISE: Through a chaplain arranged 40 minute phone conversation D shared that he is continuing to seek God’s help and direction as he approaches his re-entry to the street through escorted, unescorted and then day parole releases.  He was granted this process 2 weeks ago. He anticipates coming to church with us when covid restrictions lift. He has been in prison for 11 years.  PRAY:  Y was deported to his home country in Eastern Europe following 17 years in Kingston area prisons. He has connections with a Baptist mission where he hopes to volunteer and find housing.  Pray that he readjusts to his culture and is successful in his walk with Christ. M is not a Christian who is adjusting to life in a halfway house and is beginning to reconnect with his wife of 50 years.  He wants to maintain contact with us in this next step of his correctional plan. Pray for his salvation and wisdom as he attempts to reconnect with family members.

Susan’s dad has stabilized. Care is ongoing. Pray for strength and ability to know how to provide the best care for them.