Russ & Meredith Martin

10 Workers, 1 Missionary, A Tablet and the Gospel

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"There are times that remind us that we are missionaries. Yesterday, very far from the city, a conversation was initiated with a group of peasants using digital media.” 

We received this message from Bayang, a colleague in Chad, who spends many hours travelling by motorbike and boat to remote villages and using digital media to help the last, the lost and the least to discover Jesus. This photo makes us smile, because it means our work is having an impact, not to mention the clever use of a jerry can.

Bringing the gospel across barriers is the heartbeat of our work in digital missions. Last year, we spent significant time developing the capacity for leaders like Bayang to have the technology, internet connections and content necessary to help others discover Jesus. This photo is one small representation of the fruit of our labor. We will likely never travel to this remote place, but together our partnership is bringing the gospel there.

Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below: March is Birthday Month
1. Heath turned 5 and neighbour turned 7 - joint party!
2. Wyatt turned 9 - He planned all the details of his birthday party.
3. Celebrating our friend's birthday with highly awarded chicken rice

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