Praise & Prayer

Robert & Susan - July 2020

PRAISE:   Despite the challenges of social distancing but thankfully the increase in outdoor numbers we celebrated a beautiful wedding on June 27th.  Our son Ben and Alicia we’re married in his backyard.  It was a family affair with limited numbers but a beautiful day!  God blessed us with the best weather possible. Pray for this new family unit. Our contacts with Christian inmates on both the inside and outside of institutions encourage us.  God is faithful to care and encourage despite limited opportunities for them and us.  At this point there have been no reporting of cases within any of the 6 institutions here in Kingston.  PRAY:  For M, and L.  These men are mentors within their units and have shown spiritual leadership that amazes us.  That we would be allowed access again as soon as possible.  For S, R, P, D, C ... these were new believers.  That our mail correspondence will reach the guys and not “get lost” in the system.  For the correctional authorities and those who are making decisions for the future... that the gospel will not be hindered.

Charlotte Martin - July 2020

PRAISE:  Our digital mission trip has wrapped up and we are thankful for the 56 staff and students who participated. We were able to engage hundreds of students from our partnership locations in friendships and meaningful conversations. A highlight was meeting two seperate Arab men who had come to faith in Christ through their own searching. At least one of these young men had never met other Christians and we were able to introduce him to a local church.  PRAY:  We are hoping to send two small stint teams one to East Asia and one to Desert Rain in the fall. Pray that borders would open up so these teams could be sent. I will most likely continue as the Global Missions Director for the next year. Pray for me as I help our team decide what our focus and objectives should be as we wait to determine if we can send mission trips next year and if our long term staff can return to the countries where they serve.

Les & Sharon - July 2020

PRAISE:  For opportunities to encourage others through calls or texts or emails.  For some opportunities to engage Spanish speaking contacts. We rejoice for the news of our oldest grandson, Kenny's engagement (Chris' son in Spain).  PRAY:  For Hugo and Claudia, Mike and Melissa (Colombians except Mike).  Seven Mexican migrant workers and another Mexican, Cruz whose wife is Vietnamese. All of these contacts have received literature and bilingual new testaments so pray for our continued follow up with them.

Esther Frey - July 2020

PRAISE:  Several prisoners are now in their homes.  One has already got the job he had been praying for.  We have more students because the chaplains are not allowed to enter the prisons, so the inmates don't receive chapel time.  One commented on being so grateful for solid teaching. Sonia began correcting courses a few weeks ago so that is a big help. I'm so thankful for good health even though less energy in this very hot weather.  It's good to enjoy a/c at the office.  We continue to meet Sunday mornings at the chapel.  Also have Bible study Tuesday nights and prayer meetings Wednesday nights via conference call.  Brian Array is setting up a branch office in Florida.  He will correct the exams of inmates on the mainland.  These were ones who began in Puerto Rico but were transferred after Hurricane Maria.  PRAY:  Remember Brian in his new voluntary ministry and also for a job to help his financial needs  Our island needs so much prayer.  The people have gone through the hurricane, then earthquakes which are still happening, and more recently the Sahara dust clouds.  Our government , like in the States, needs much prayer.  We need prayer for the future of our camp, the administration, and a good working committee.  We will meet with Luis for prayer, etc. July 18.  I'm asking prayer for my neighbours.  It seems that there is still conflict in one of the homes.  They need the  Lord.

Jenn Brubacher - July 2020

PRAISE: Our Tour For Teens event was a success! I’m thankful for the friends, family and community who rallied alongside us in making it possible. God is so good in His provision. On June 25th, ten local Youth Unlimited YFC staff gathered to participate in our National Ministry Conference. (which was supposed to be hosted in Saskatoon-- the airfare was cheap this year!) It was an incredible time to connect with staff across our nation, to pray for one another and worship alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ, all over Zoom. God is giving me clarity, creativity and direction for the upcoming season, and for that I am thankful.  PRAY: It is an ongoing struggle connecting with students from our drop-in program. These students need the most support, and they are the hardest to reach. Please pray for their mental health, their physical health, and healed relationships within their families. Join with me in praying for salvation for these students specifically, that they would finally be able to enter into God’s rest.