Robert & Susan - July 2020

PRAISE:   Despite the challenges of social distancing but thankfully the increase in outdoor numbers we celebrated a beautiful wedding on June 27th.  Our son Ben and Alicia we’re married in his backyard.  It was a family affair with limited numbers but a beautiful day!  God blessed us with the best weather possible. Pray for this new family unit. Our contacts with Christian inmates on both the inside and outside of institutions encourage us.  God is faithful to care and encourage despite limited opportunities for them and us.  At this point there have been no reporting of cases within any of the 6 institutions here in Kingston.  PRAY:  For M, and L.  These men are mentors within their units and have shown spiritual leadership that amazes us.  That we would be allowed access again as soon as possible.  For S, R, P, D, C ... these were new believers.  That our mail correspondence will reach the guys and not “get lost” in the system.  For the correctional authorities and those who are making decisions for the future... that the gospel will not be hindered.