Jenn Brubacher - July 2020

PRAISE: Our Tour For Teens event was a success! I’m thankful for the friends, family and community who rallied alongside us in making it possible. God is so good in His provision. On June 25th, ten local Youth Unlimited YFC staff gathered to participate in our National Ministry Conference. (which was supposed to be hosted in Saskatoon-- the airfare was cheap this year!) It was an incredible time to connect with staff across our nation, to pray for one another and worship alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ, all over Zoom. God is giving me clarity, creativity and direction for the upcoming season, and for that I am thankful.  PRAY: It is an ongoing struggle connecting with students from our drop-in program. These students need the most support, and they are the hardest to reach. Please pray for their mental health, their physical health, and healed relationships within their families. Join with me in praying for salvation for these students specifically, that they would finally be able to enter into God’s rest.