Charlotte Martin - July 2020

PRAISE:  Our digital mission trip has wrapped up and we are thankful for the 56 staff and students who participated. We were able to engage hundreds of students from our partnership locations in friendships and meaningful conversations. A highlight was meeting two seperate Arab men who had come to faith in Christ through their own searching. At least one of these young men had never met other Christians and we were able to introduce him to a local church.  PRAY:  We are hoping to send two small stint teams one to East Asia and one to Desert Rain in the fall. Pray that borders would open up so these teams could be sent. I will most likely continue as the Global Missions Director for the next year. Pray for me as I help our team decide what our focus and objectives should be as we wait to determine if we can send mission trips next year and if our long term staff can return to the countries where they serve.