And we have decided to live in...

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The warmer weather of the UK and spring flowers in January were very tempting but we have decided to stay in Canada for now.

Yes, Canada it is.

We both have roles that allow us to work remotely as long as we have access to an airport and internet. We have 3 kids living in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and many people have commented that we should take advantage of that while we can. We believe God has answered our prayers and shown us where to base. 

We realise that you may have some questions. We'll try and answer some of them.

Where will you live?

We will be looking for a place to live in Kitchener-Waterloo. This is the city where our children live, our home church and other supporting churches are nearby, and Toronto Pearson airport is easily accessible.

Will you have to travel to get to an office?

We will be working from home, so our home will also be our office.

Will you rent or buy a home?

We don't know. We will look at buying but housing in this area is quite expensive. We'd value your prayers for wisdom as we explore our options. As potential first-time home buyers we have a lot to learn. Any advice gladly received!

Do you still need to raise financial support?

Yes. We have been asked to take on global leadership roles but SIM does not pay us. We still need to raise our own support, just as we did when we were in Ghana. 

You travel lots, do you need to raise the funds for all of that?

SIM provides Phil a travel budget associated with his role. When Andrea travels to the Middle East, that is covered by the Middle East budget. If we determine that for a certain trip one of us should accompany the other (e.g. due to length of time away or the people we will see), then we will be responsible for the 2nd ticket.

What are your jobs again?

Andrea has two jobs:
Middle East Personnel Coordinator - responsible to provide people care and management for the SIM team in the Middle East.
As of March 1st she has also started a new role:
International Personnel Development Lead - responsible for providing training and mentoring for SIM's people that provide people care and management to SIM teams in our different countries.

Phil is transitioning into the role of Global Director of Strategic Development serving our International Director as part of the executive team. His job is to lead strategic and organisational developments to help SIM accomplish its Purpose and Mission and also lead innovation, research and missiological reflection that inform our ministries.

Are your supporting churches in agreement with these changes?

The following is a statement that our home church and another key supporting church have jointly issued on our behalf.

“Phil & Andrea Bauman served 19 years in Ghana with SIM and are now taking on key global leadership roles in SIM. SIM is a global mission whose purpose is 'to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known.' We as leaders from two key churches that support Phil & Andrea Bauman’s ministry with SIM affirm that we believe in and are committed to the ministry of global mission leadership that God is calling them to and we invite you to continue to journey with them as they embark on this new stage.”

Wallenstein Bible Chapel & Woodside Bible Fellowship

What has 2020 been like this far?

The early part of January was spent at home in Elmira getting caught up after Christmas. Phil then had a week at SIM's Fort Mill office in South Carolina working with a new steering committee to help implement some key changes in SIM that he is leading.
Jan 21st we headed to the UK where we spent a few days visiting our mentors Malcolm & Liz, participated in the last module of the Integrated Mission Leadership course, and then spent another 3 weeks criss-crossing the UK to visit family, friends and supporters.

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Top: Leith Harbour Edinburgh

Middle L: Bosham - sunny & low tide, Middle R: Bosham - high tide & stormy

Bottom L: Chichester with Andrea's dad, Bottom R: England in blossom

February 22nd we headed to Kenya for the SIM Directors' retreat attended by 120+ SIM leaders from around the world. It was a very intense week and we we are grateful to God for all that was accomplished and for the positive response of the leaders.

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Top: Flowers at the Conference Reception  

Middle L: Beautiful grounds, Middle R: Andrea keeping us in order

Bottom L: Phil conferring with Joshua, our International Director,
Bottom R: the SIM Executive team debriefing at the end of the day

What’s next?

We are here in Elmira for most of March, getting caught up on work and looking at housing options.
In early April we plan to spend 10 days in the US at the SIM USA and International office and then attending a retreat with the SIM Executive team. This is an important part of the transition to Phil's new role. However, with the emerging Covid19 situation, this plan may change.
We are both still learning what our new roles entail so we value prayers for quick learning and understanding.

Prayer Fuel!

Praise Items

  • Clarity regarding where we should live.

  • Great time connecting with people in the UK.

  • For successfully completing the Integrated Mission Leadership course.

  • That the Directors' retreat in Kenya went well.

  • That Liam has a co-op job for May-Aug.

Items for Prayer

  • That God will provide the right housing that we can afford.

  • For wisdom as we both transition into new roles. 

  • For on-going wisdom for Kieran as he continues to consider next steps.

  • That Cara will find good housing after she leaves the university residence at the end of April.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil