Kingston Prison Ministry News

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Sing to God, sing in praise of His name...
Rejoice before Him - His name is the LORD.
A father to the fatherless... is God in His holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
He leads out the prisoners with singing
But the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
— Psalm 68:4-6

We thank God for His blessing on the ministry to men in prison.  Many have found Christ, but many yet need to hear and to come to God who is rich in mercy and by His sovereign love, can reveal himself to them and open their eyes to the forgiveness in Jesus.

The chaplains welcome our involvement and make room for us to minister. We continue each week with a full schedule of one-on-one visits, group Bible studies, chapel servies and other chapel programs.

We are thankful for those who are joining us in the Kingston institutions to reach out to these incarcerated men. Peter and Elaine have been a great help on Sundays to escort men to our church for worship.  Emily and Joel have been leading the music in one of the chapel services.  Charlie and Cathy have just recently been cleared to join us on Thursday evenings assisting us with a Bible study. 

Pray for each means and method employed in our contacts with the men that we would experience the joy of reaping the harvest God has prepared in advance for His glory.

Pray that God would continually be filling us with His love for those incarcerated.  They are often ill-mannered, violent and their crimes are disgusting to our flesh but Christ has died for these people. They desperately need to know the love of God in their lives to change them.

Pray that God’s love would be alive in our lives and the gospel communicated to the murderer, the pedophile, the drug dealer, the con-artist.

Pray that we will effectively take the good news of the gospel and extend it to those whose lives are in chaos as God has called us to do.

Pray that God will touch them and revolutionize their lives.  We see such great need.

Pray that many would be able to rejoice in singing as he sets them free in their hearts and minds.

Thank you for your prayers and may God bless each of you with a special sense of His presence and faith in his promises. 
Serving together,

Robert and Susan

Family News

Two weddings and a grandchild coming this year, Lord willing!
Emily and Joel are expecting their third child March 23. Judah and Grace are going to have to move over and make room for the new cherub in the Covert household.
Meredith and Robb were engaged on New Year’s Eve. They have set April 25th as their wedding day. 
Ben and Alicia were engaged on Valentine’s Eve so they have lots of planning in process as well.
Our prayer is that God will continue to lead and guide both Meredith & Robb and Ben & Alicia. We are grateful they each want to glorify God in their lives and look forward to welcoming them into our family.