Update from Mercy Ships

Hello Wallenstein Bible Chapel

Over the last month I have been busy repairing and maintaining the various off ship buildings and equipment. At the hope center there is now approximately one hundred and twenty people living there with patients and caregivers, so things will start to break down. The Hope center is now a busy place with dozens of children running around the courtyard in full leg casts and walkers as well as young adults playing sports in casts and bandages as part of their physical therapy it is an amazing place to be working. I thank God for this amazing opportunity to serve him!

I have been able to spend more time with the patients at the hope center as work slows down and allows me to be able to interact with the caregivers and children who are recovering from their Orthopedic surgeries and maxillofacial surgeries. I have been blessed with many positive interactions the crew and day crew alike. I am constantly amazed at the healing and hope God is bringing to the people of Senegal. 

Eye surgeries are well underway. We have done over two hundred cataract procedures as well as other various procedures. The field service is over half way done now - we are on the home stretch! with hundreds of people having received free life changing surgeries! there is still approximately three more months of surgeries left here in Dakar, Senegal. Please continue to pray for the people of Senegal and the volunteers aboard the ship! I have attached some pictures to give you all a glimpse of what mercy ships does here. Some of these pictures are from previous field services as there are limited before and after pictures of the patients here as they are still recovering from their surgeries.  

I thank you all for your prayers and support. It is very much appreciated! We have found out that the next country we will be going to is Liberia. They are recovering from civil war and the Ebola crisis and are one of the poorest countries in the world. The advance team has reported that there is only 2 dentists for the entire country and their healthcare system is very underdeveloped. Please pray for Mercy Ships as we start to prepare to go there in August. We are also looking for volunteers to fill the vacant positions. I have been asked to come back for the next field service as the maintenance coordinator which would mean more responsibilities and another ten months to a year away from home so please pray for wisdom and guidance so I can understand God's will for my Life.  

In His service,

Luke Martin

Paul Pascal (CMA14064) - MXF (Ver 2).jpg
Paul Pascal (CMA14064) - MXF (Ver 1).jpg