Martin Ministry - Ministering amid COVID-19

I'm very glad that we serve and reflect a creative God during these times where we have all been forced into a 'new normal'. We have had to find ways to be creative both in ministry and family life. 

Since the universities closed 2 weeks ago, we have moved all our meetings online - discipleship small groups, prayer meetings, staff meetings, 1-on-1 discipleship, even large group meetings.  We are amazed at the ingenuity of student leaders as they find ways to connect to each other and encourage each other online.  Students are finding ways to watch movies, playing games, singing worship songs, and even dance parties online together (but apart). 

Part of Trevor's new role was to help with many events that were supposed to happen in the next few weeks. Now he and his team are working on shifting these events online or for the future.

We would love to be praying for you too. Please send us any prayer requests you have.

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As for family life, we are doing the best that we can here, by the grace of God.  Hannah has dug back into the science side of her brain and has done different science experiments with Amelia. We have made musical instruments, sprouted pea plants, made water 'walk' from one jar to another, and blown up a balloon using baking soda and vinegar. We even got to play in the snow this week! We try to go for walks daily as a family and try to keep to a routine for all our sanity. We have decided to keep Amelia home from all her usual childcare, and balancing work and taking care of her is sometimes difficult. But it has been a joyous time of discovery and spending time together. 

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1) Mental Health for students who have been uprooted and need to finish their courses online during the most stressful time of the year (final exams)

2) Opportunities for students (and us) to build relationship with others and share the love of Christ during this time of anxiety, fear and uncertainty

3) Wisdom for Hannah and her team to know how to have a campus ministry remotely as University of Waterloo has moved all classes online until August. 

4) Grace, patience and wisdom as we balance our ministry to students and within our family

Links you might be interested in: 
  1) Official P2C-Students press release about COVID-19
2) P2C blog post about rhythms to help during this season
3) Walking water jar experiment
4) Reflection and prayer guides during times of fear and anxiety
5) Fight On, Fighter (a "For King and Country" song. We had the privilege to see them live in concert the day before large gatherings were banned in Ontario.)