Connecting with Leaders from 124 Countries

We hosted 5 webinars on 5 continents this week.

We hosted 5 webinars on 5 continents this week.

Because of your prayer and financial support we were able to help believers in 124 countries this week figure out at a deeper level what doing ministry from a distance looks like in the new realities that COVID-19 has brought.

You prayed for our crazy week and God answered!
- 2,714 people from 124 countries attended our 5 webinars
- 2,000+ others registered and have received the links to watch at a later time
- God sustained us through early mornings and late nights working with speakers and participants in timezones all around the world
- We got 'virtual classroom' figured out with our kids (and they even enjoyed it!)

All the webinar videos are here: (Our favs are NatchiEdricDaveAmy)
Our team has also curated a number of other resources for ministering from a distance.

"Praise God for this work and for making available so many resources." - Kristin, NYC

"I am a pastor of a small rural church. We are looking for more resources to help with discipleship through social media. Thanks for this presentation. I will have to watch it a few times." - Mark

"This app is rocket fuel." - John, Ireland

"I am cut to heart. There's anointing in what he says." Jairus, Asia

^ These are just a few of the comments we received from participants who were inspired and equipped with new tools and perspectives to minister from a distance.

Thank you for continuing to stand with us in leading the next generation of digital missions.
