Russ & Meredith Martin

Life Under Lockdown in Singapore

This week our team is hosting 5 webinars on 5 continents this week. Already 1,084+ people have signed up from Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America. We need your prayers as it will be a crazy week.

Please pray:
- For stability on the homefront as our kids have 'virtual classroom' this week and we need to guide their learning and keep them occupied.
- For energy as coordinating these webinars will require early mornings, late nights and middle of the night working across timezones, all while working from home.
- For the technology to "just work" as people connect from around the world and join these equipping times.

Our webinars will help people figure out new ways of doing ministry during COVID-19 and answering these questions:
- How do we reach people online?
- How do we disciple people online?
- How do we do church online?

Feel free to sign-up and spread the word.

A little over a week ago, we thought we would be spending our kids' school holiday (this past week) unplugged on a family vacation in Indonesia. Instead, our trip was cancelled because of travel restrictions and we staycationed at home while mobilizing a team around the world to respond to an urgent ministry opportunity.

None of this would be possible without your prayer and financial support. Thank you for continuing to stand with us in leading the next generation of digital missions.
