Russ & Meredith Martin

Digital Missionaries Bring the Gospel to the Himalayas

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Bhutan is a rugged, mountainous, kingdom tucked between China and India in the Himalayas. Geographically and politically it is difficult to access. There are very few indigenous believers or churches. It ranks as one of the places most in need of the gospel and it is nearly impossible to send missionaries there.

However, digital knows no borders and our team was recently invited to help facilitate a digital outreach. Through a partnership with a local church in Singapore that has connections to Bhutan our team was able to remotely train 22 Bhutanese Christian students on being digital missionaries. 

We helped the Bhutanese students share gospel videos on social media to 137 friends. Because of this step of faith over 34 spiritual conversations happened in just one hour! On the ground in Bhutan, there was heavy rain, an erratic network and many other challenges. Yet, the gospel went forward. Many of the responses were positive and encouraging, some wanting to get to know Jesus, others rethinking about their lives, etc. The students of this country are truly ready to be digital missionaries.

WBC, thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photo above:
Traditional Bhutanese prayer flags

Photos below:
1. Ice Skating
2. Celebrating Canada Day
3. Flying a kite at Marina Barrage

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