Russ & Meredith Martin - family update

Back to School Because of Your Prayers

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Just two months ago, we were apprehensive as to whether Heath (5) would be healthy enough to start school. At one point he woke up 9 times in a night, his skin and face were itchy and flaky all over. He was in a lot of discomfort and family life was challenging.

Because of your prayers, today, Heath completed his first day of school without issue. He bragged about being the one to tell jokes in class today. He's the strongest he's been in a year. He's sleeping better. His skin is much less itchy. He's energized and passionately contributes to family life. He even had a 20 day streak of going swimming. In a lot of ways, he's a totally different boy than just a few months ago. While we know we aren't through everything yet, things are way better and we praise God for that.

Unfortunately, after receiving her second COVID vaccination (Pfizer), Meredith had a substantial skin rash that has been causing her a lot of discomfort, irritation and stress. Please pray for her healing and restoration.

We recently recorded a 7-minute family and ministry update video for our friends at Lakeside Church in Haliburton, ON. Russ also shared a sermon on how to respond when life is hard based on some of his challenges in the last season.

WBC Friends, thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

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