What's new in 2020...

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately…

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It feels to me like 2020 has just started, but here we are already in the middle of February. As I think back over the last few months, it's hard for me to capture how God has been working, and it seems like there are more questions than answers. Since the beginning of November, my team leader has been going through a personal crisis which required me to step in and fill the leadership gap he left. Early in January, my team leader made the decision to resign from his position, and I was asked to step in as the interim Global Missions Director. Practically, in this new role I will have more responsibility and authority, but much of what I do will stay the same. However, I often find leadership lonely, and I'm nervous about being the sole leader of the global missions team, instead of helping someone else as they lead the team. Pray for me as I take on this temporary leadership role. Currently I'm not sure if a new Global Missions Director will be found quickly or slowly. Pray that I would lead from the outflow of a deep relationship with God and that I would sense God's leading in this season.

Another question I find my heart asking is, "Lord, what are you doing with mission trip numbers?" Last year we experienced low numbers for all our mission trips, but we were comfortable with a "down" year and could see many different factors contributing to the low numbers. Having many of the factors resolved, we were trusting God for stronger numbers this year. However, numbers are even lower this year.

As you know I was planning to help lead the River of Light mission trip this May, but we've only had eight students apply for the trip. In the coming weeks we have some decisions to make about what staff to eliminate from the trip, and if the trip needs to be cancelled or relocated, given the current situation in Asia.

As I write this however, my heart is reassured; God is in control, he has a plan, a good plan, and he can be trusted. Please pray that our team would not grow discouraged with the low numbers, but that we would see how God is at work in our midst and what opportunities these low numbers are inviting us into.

A personal highlight:

I just returned from a 2 week trip with my Dad to visit my brother Russ' family in Singapore. I soaked up the warm weather, the family time, and the urban living. Below are a few highlights

We did a lot of fun touristy things (too many to list) including “The Luge” near the beach we went to one afternoon.

We did a lot of fun touristy things (too many to list) including “The Luge” near the beach we went to one afternoon.

Playing games with the kids!

Playing games with the kids!

I always enjoy good life chats with my brother. We got to go for supper just the two of us one evening.

I always enjoy good life chats with my brother. We got to go for supper just the two of us one evening.
