Update from the Blights

Greetings WBC family,  from the north.  Winter came in November and hasn't left.  Four feet of snow and lots of cold days.  So far minus 40 was the coldest I believe.  

What God is doing and how you can pray:

* Many local kids (approx 60) are bused in every Thursday evening for kids club to play outdoor games and learn from God's Word.   Please pray for many children to make Him Lord and master of their lives.  For many kids this is the only bible teaching they recieve until summer camp resumes. 

* We have been blessed with our own hallway with 5 bedrooms (playroom for the kids,  one for our guests) in the gym building as well as a new kitchen, which was the original camp kitchen that we're told Melissa Martin used to cook in. Until recently it's been used as a storage room. We are happy to have some privacy and a place to call "home". We don't know what the summer will mean for us and may still require a rental home to appear. 

* Our kids have adapted well and we praise God for the many blessings in a small school.  Please continue to pray that our children can feel a part of the ministry and not sidelined.  We have many things to figure out as far as weekend retreats and working in the kitchen as well as watching our kids.  

* Pray for WBC youth coming this weekend and for the following weekend of Catholic women's retreat to be led by the Holy spirit.  

Many blessings,  we miss you all!


the Blights
