A (pre) Alpha Story

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Annie's Story

Annie* flopped on the couch beside Meridith and sighed. 'I think I want to join a club on campus' she said. Meridith responded with some ideas that fit with Annie's interests, like a book club or a cultural club. But Annie shrugged those all off. Then she asked, "What about that Alpha thing that you go to? Can I come to that?" Meridith was taken aback.  She had known Annie since first year and has had a few spiritual conversations with her.  In addition, through the years, Annie has seen the genuine friendships that Meridith has made through Power to Change and it has drawn her to want to be a part of a community like that.  Alpha is a course that has run in different churches around the world and has helped thousands of people engage with the person of Jesus Christ through discussion and dinner. Pray that Annie would follow through with her desire to go to Alpha and that the group will bring her closer to Christ.

*Name Changed for Privacy

Looking for New Partners

As life goes on, some of our partners are unable to continue supporting us for various reasons. So, at this time, we are seeking to find a few new financial partners as seen below. If you or anyone you know are interested, please get in touch with us or donate online! Thank you to those of you who already faithfully support us.

New Role for Trevor

Trevor has officially transitioned into an operational role where he will help work on national initiatives such as conferences, fundraising events, marketing and more!  We pray that this continues to be a good role for Trevor's mental health during this season. Please join us in praying for this transition!

Family Fun :)

Local Basketball Game! Go Titans!

Local Basketball Game! Go Titans!

The snowman Daddy and Amelia made together!

The snowman Daddy and Amelia made together!