Gord Martin - Vision Ministries Kenya

Good evening to all of you,

I was talking with Ishmael this afternoon. They’ve had a challenging month. Their son John, age 23 was involved in a pretty serious motorcycle accident, Molline (his wife) was diagnosed and hospitalized with Covid-19 last week, now home and doing better and then, the transmission of their vehicle  “acted up”. Nevertheless, they are pressing on. We had a very good talk today.

The five conferences begun in October were all finished by the end of November. They worked hard! Ishmael and his team traveled to five regions after we left, all of them quite far apart on roads that are not easy to travel.

A big thank you to all of you who prayed and gave to support the ministry in October. Of course one of the big stories was the story of the water project. Here are two short videos describing what happened there. This one is 1 minute long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNJeZuDYMpc And this one is about 4.5 minutes long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8b4pfBTo80 Impact Hope is on the verge of providing the necessary pump and solar panels.

We anticipate that VMK will continue their priority of Leadership Training but will engage in addressing more “social projects” as well. After the five regional conferences were over Ishmael and his team hadn't had enough. They decided to make a trip to the north of the country to visit a remote, nomadic tribe. See the attachment. This was a real eye opener to them. Ishmael said that he didn't realize there were people in his country still living under those conditions. He was deeply moved by what he saw and experienced there.

Just wanted to let you know what's been happening,

Gord Martin
Vision Ministries Canada

145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON

519-501-5933 cell
