Russ & Meredith Martin

Martin Family Update

We can stay! Taken after getting our work pass renewed for another two years.

Dear WBC Friends,

As we wrap up 2021, here are a few updates from our family.

Canada Trip Cancelled
Last Saturday we held a family meeting and made a hard decision to cancel our Christmas trip to Canada less than 48 hours before we were due to fly. Each family member shared their perspective on the benefits and risks. Together we reasoned that, in light of the Omicron situation in North America and increasing restrictions, we would enjoy Christmas in Singapore. We long to see many of you, but we'll have to wait another six months.

Logistically, there are presents to give and receive on the wrong side of the ocean, newly purchased winter gear that will go unworn and flight credits to track.

Despite the disruption, we're thankful to live in relative safety and comfort. Ironically for our kids, Singapore is home so they are happy to stay and play with friends. As adults we mourn the loss of time for our kids with grandparents, lack of exposure to our 'home' culture and the disconnection of cousins growing up far apart.

#HACK2021 Report and Video
Our ministry highlight of the year was leading the #HACK2021 event with participants from 46 countries. You can flip through the really nice visual report our team designed or watch a 3-minute video. This is only possible because of your faithful prayer and financial support. Please know the impact you enable is both deep and wide and felt all around the globe. People are discovering Jesus because of what you are investing in.

Year-End Giving
God faithfully provided 100% of our 2021 financial needs through you, our generous partners. We are grateful, humble and amazed as it's been a fruitful, but expensive year. Thank you!

Looking ahead to 2022, our reserves are low and with costs increasing for our growing family, we need to shore up ~$9,000 to be at full support during the coming year. Please consider this as you pray through end of year giving opportunities.

WBC Friends, we couldn't have navigated 2021 without you. Thank you for your friendship and your partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below:
A. Reindeers with homemade masks spotted on the train.
B. Third week of advent.
C. Meredith delivers a commissioned painting.