Trevor & Hannah Martin

Living Room Labour

Hannah's contractions started just a little bit on Wednesday morning. No big deal we thought, but took note. We had a midwife appointment that afternoon and labour did not seem imminent. But contractions continued during the day and into the night. We were hoping to have a good night's sleep and re-evaluate things in the morning. God had other plans. After trying to sleep for a bit, more steady contractions came and we called the midwife at 2AM. She came quite quickly to our house to check on Hannah. "You might make it to the hospital or you can have the baby here," she said. Hannah looked over at me (Trevor) with a look of uncertainty when i exclaimed "I'm ok to do it here!" Soon enough, our living room turned into the delivery room and our couch was the delivery bed. Just over an hour later, baby Avery came out weighing 6lbs 11ounces! Our family has been doing well, trying to catch some sleep and thankful that Avery has been healthy so far.

As we celebrate Avery's birth, we rejoice with you in celebrating the precious birth of our wonderful Saviour, Lord and King...Jesus!!!!!
Whatever season of life you are in, we share with you

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.