December Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Wallenstein Bible Chapel,

For the last time in 201, we greet you in the name of our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, whose birth we will be remembering soon. “Unto you is born, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” What a message of great joy indeed. And how privileged we are to know this and make it known, praise God.

Also, for the last time this year we want to thank you for your financial gift received this month and all the months of 2018. Thank you ever so much for your faithfulness and generosity in standing with us. It is indeed very much appreciated. May the Lord truly bless you and reward you for helping us in this way. We are indeed very grateful for remembering us.

My, how time flies. Does it go that fast for you folk too? Comes Monday and before we know it is Saturday and Sunday again. But every day past is a day closer to heaven, praise the Lord, we have indeed a wonderful future. It’s not only that we’re going to see the One who loved us and gave Himself for us, but we’re also going to be delivered from our sin nature and failing bodies. Paul wrote to the Romans in chapter eight, that we “groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting the adoption, the redemption of the body.” Oh yes, I wonder what his body looked like after all the beatings he had.

Marina had a low period for several weeks but has come back up again, at least some, for which we are very thankful. I have had an ultrasound of my hip and will have an MRI on Jan. 24 in London, at 6:00am. Hopefully, after that the specialist will know what is wrong with my hip. I’m still walking with a cane, not very far and with pain, something is just not right.

I will be preaching on Sunday, Dec. 23 in Cambridge and I’m looking forward to that. On the average I preach twice a month. I’m also putting short articles on Facebook and my Blog again and get positive comments. We keep in touch with folk in Belgium and our co-workers there.

We trust you will have a wonderful Christmas and we wish you a very Happy New Year with much of the blessing of the Lord.

Thank you ever so much again for your love and support.

The Lord bless you all and keep you until we meet at His feet.

Loving greetings,

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina