It's Good To Be Home

Thank you for praying for me as I did a bunch of travelling these past few weeks. I got back from Asia on Sunday night and I think I'm almost over my jet lag (I slept for 10 hours last night!).

Florida was a productive time of helping my brother's family pack as they prepare to move overseas. As well as some fun play time with the kids (and the adults!).

I am very grateful for the opportunity to go to Asia. It has been 8 years since I was last there and a lot has changed. Our teams work in new cities in a different province. I enjoyed visiting these cities, seeing where they live, going to the campuses where they study language and do ministry, riding the trains they ride, and overall just getting a feel for their life and ministry in Asia. I also enjoyed hearing them talk about the joys and struggles of their ministry and meeting some of the Americans who provide leadership for our teams in the country.

Coming back I feel more knowledgeable about our partnership with East Asia. It was reassuring to see our teams doing well, and it was fun to encourage and bless the teams we went to visit. Below are a few pictures from our trip. Thanks again for praying and standing together with me in this ministry.

Out for supper with one of our teams.

Out for supper with one of our teams.

I got to have lunch with a local student who became a Christian through one of our interns last year.

I got to have lunch with a local student who became a Christian through one of our interns last year.

The second weekend both teams came together for a Christmas party. We brought gifts for everyone and decorations from Canada, we sang Christmas carols and read the Christmas story together.

The second weekend both teams came together for a Christmas party. We brought gifts for everyone and decorations from Canada, we sang Christmas carols and read the Christmas story together.