Merry Christmas from Kingston!

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“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel…God with us.”
Matthew 1:23

This event in history is not merely that a baby was born but that God became a baby! God was in the manger!

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel…God with us.” Matthew 1:23

This event in history is not merely that a baby was born but that God became a baby! God was in the manger!

Jesus came to represent God the Father, so that we would know what it is like to have God with us. Jesus is the one person who can tell us what God is like and becomes in us what God desires us to be. He came to be our Saviour, to bring us to God, no matter how desperate our condition. We could know no greater blessing than for God to desire to dwell with us. Jesus is truly our hope!

Loneliness is one of the fiercest enemies for an inmate. Jesus Christ came to bring salvation to their desperate situations, removing the weight of guilt and shame. Immanuel's presence with them each day provides comfort and grace in their lives to overcome sin, loneliness and rejection…especially at this time of year.

God desires to dwell even with them!  Jesus truly is their hope as well! So we pray that as men are exposed to the gospel the Holy Spirit would open eyes and hearts to receive Truth and they would know his peace and presence in their lives and the joy of a relationship with Immanuel.

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ChrisSamJon, and Ian* - they have just recently been released to a halfway house.  They need wisdom and protection as they reconnect with society.  Pray also for Christians who will support them in their spiritual growth.
* Names have been changed.
This fall there has been a spike in violent incidences within several institutions. Pray for peace and stability so that programming is not interrupted.

For harmony and respect among Christian inmates; there can be discord among them and when this is observed by staff/guards it is a negative testimony.

The Lord has shown his kindness and grace toward us in many ways this past year.  We are thankful for good health. He graciously allows continued opportunities to serve Him inside prison walls and He provides daily strength to do so. His mercies are new every morning. Great is his faithfulness!

As we reflect on the gift of Jesus this Christmas season, we are reminded of the generosity that we have experienced through those of you who have been personally impacted by the generosity of the Father.  We want to thank each of you who continually partner with us and pray for us so faithfully. This is vital. 

We hope and pray you have a wonderful Christmas and may the light of Christ shine through you this season as you rejoice in God’s gift of his Son. May His presence bring deep joy and peace as you celebrate God’s gift of Immanuel. 

Christmas blessings,
Robert and Susan

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