Russ & Meredith Martin - Singapore

Two Short Video Updates

We are in an intensive season in our work with Lausanne Movement and Indigitous and wanted to share two short video updates with you.



Russ leaves for the Indigitous event in South Asia mid-week and then onto Turkey for meetings with the Lausanne content team. Pray for Meredith as she holds down the fort at home and moves along key design projects for the Congress.

WBC Friends, your partnership enabling us to carry out this ministry is so meaningful. Thank you for the part you play in leading the next generation of missions in a digital age.

Family Snapshots:
1. An evening walk after a day of planning meetings in Korea.
2. Saturday afternoon family time, skateboarding and rollerblading.
3. Enjoying s'mores in an urban kitchen, using the gas stovetop to roast the marshmallows.

Esther Frey

PRAISE:  My renewed passport arrived!  Continued improvements on the chapel building. 

PRAY:  VBS june 10-14.  Family retreat at camp June 17-19, Ladies meeting June 22, Seniors get together June 28, Recognition of Brian Array as the new Emmaus director June 29.  

Ray & Carol Jones (Guelph)

Dear family and friends, 

Very warm greetings from Guelph where we are now enjoying beautiful spring weather! Hope it's good where you are too! Life is usually busy for me with preaching and involvement in various areas of service for the Lord. But, we're just about to embark on the very, very busy summer schedule of conferences and camps, This weekend will see over two hundred men at the annual Guelph Men's Conference. That will soon be followed by a succession of children, youth camps and family camps. We anticipate a really good year of opportunities to share the gospel and teach the Word of God. 

Healthwise, Carol continues to struggle with problems that have plagued her for years, but I must say that she handles them very well and continues to trust the Lord knowing that one day we will be free from these old bodies and in the very presence of the Lord. I'm doing OK. recently had xrays on both knees as I'm hobbling a bit -even using a walking stick at times!  That hasn't stopped me yet, but I, like Carol, will always welcome prayer! Mercifully, we serve a risen Saviour who knows, cares and understands! 

As some of you know, we have recently lost close family members. Colin, Carol's brother, and Jon, Ray's sister's husband. Sad times, but both safe in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ through faith in His sacrifice for us all on Calvary.

This is a very troubled world and the middle-east seems like a powder keg ready to explode, doesn't it? These things have all been foretold in the Word of God. We don't know just when these things will climax but we do know that we have salvation and through the Lord Jesus Christ!

So, by the Lord's grace,  we continue to press on serving Him and preaching the gospel. My car is now close to 200,000 km but seems to run well - another opportunity to pray! 

When we think of you dear friends who stand with us, and so many that have gone on to be with the Lord, we are immensely thankful and grateful. May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you as you serve him in your corner of the world.

Always love to hear from you!

        Yours in Christ's service, 

            Ray and Carol

Rom 9:1  I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,  9:2  that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.

Why did Paul experience such continual and deep grief in his heart? Why was he so upset? Paul’s primary concern was the fact that many of his own countrymen, even his own relatives, were unsaved. Despite the fact that they had so many advantages; the very Word of God; promises; covenants and even His manifested glory, they still were not saved! Mat_14:14  ..when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, ....   Are we deeply grieved and moved with compassion over the lost      Ray Jones

Let me look at the crowd as my Saviour did,

Till my eyes with tears grow dim,

Let me look till I pity the wandering sheep

And love them for love of Him.

                                                    R. A. Jarvie

Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

Why send a student on a mission trip?

One way I would answer that question is to share that mission trips add bricks of faith, like bricks to a house, that contribute to the spiritual formation of a student. Students who take concentrated time to step out of their regular environments and serve God in a new context, are stretched personally and spiritually, and leave the mission trip experience further equipped to serve God in their day to day life.

Over the last year it has been neat to watch this happen with Janis, a UBC student. God has been leading her through multiple global missions opportunities. Through these experiences God has been shaping her, using her, and giving her a vision for being involved in his Kingdom work.  

Janis was a participant on the Nations Next Door mission trip in Saskatoon last summer, and after making a creative instagram reel about her experience, we hired Janis to help us part-time with global missions marketing for six months. In April I asked Janis to reflect on God’s work in her life this past year. This is what she said: 

Janis (in the middle) on the Nations Next Door mission trip last spring.

"Drawing from my marketing background as a business student and my mission trip experience, I was able to create engaging and informative content that showcased not only the different mission trips we have this year but the heart behind going on a mission trip as well. I learned that missions is ultimately to create intentional spaces for people to know God, understand the gospel, and experience His love tangibly. 

Working for global missions made a profound impact on me because it cultivated my desire to draw other people closer to Jesus. That is why I recently accepted an internship opportunity at Global Aid Network (GAiN). 

If you had told me that I would take on two incredible internships a year ago, I would not have believed you. It's evident to me now how God had been working in my life over the past year, and leading me to grow in knowledge and appreciation of Him. I’m truly grateful for the opportunities He gave, the people He blessed me with, and the deeper understanding I gained of His heart."

Currently we have 51 staff and students on four different mission trips and another 14 preparing to head out in July and August.

Friends at, thank you for your partnership that helps make these mission trips happen. Pray with us that these trips would have a local impact and that God would use them to help participants gain a vision for continuing to live on mission. 

Join us in praying for Mission Trips

Our currently mission trips will be wrapping up mid-June. Pray for opportunities to have deep spiritual conversations with local friends and to point them to Christ. Pray also for students as they transition home after these 6 week mission trips.

  • On Nations Next Door (Ottawa) participants are reaching international students through building cross-cultural friendships and serving their physical, social, and spiritual needs.

  • In Vietnam we come alongside the local campus ministry to develop genuine friendships and share the gospel with Vietnamese students through English corners, picnics, hanging out, and playing sports together.

  • On PRAXIS Edmonton we partner with urban ministries focused on reaching vulnerable populations. Participants are stretched to practice being a whole person who lives an integrated life on mission.

  • In Desert Rain we engage with our partners in the Arab world in local student ministry that is highly relational and puts hospitality at the core.

Jenn Brubacher (YFC)

Deep sighs can be deep prayers in and of themselves.

The reality that God hovers over the chaos continues to ring true in my life, your life, and the lives of the students we walk with. Here are things some of our students have said over the last month:

"I don't want anyone praying for me."

"You feel like home. I don't know if that makes sense, but you make people feel comfortable and at ease. I've looked up to you and Ainsley for a long time."

"I've been bullied since kindergarten, and I just want it to stop. I feel like I can never be myself in front of anyone. I'm afraid they'll leave me."

*Deep sigh

There have been a lot of good things happening! And there have been a lot of heavy things young people are carrying: substance abuse, fear of the future, crippling anxiety, big walls that keep them isolated and away from any threats, grief.

May the God who sees and hears our deep sighs intercede on our behalf, open eyes, stir hearts and bring deep healing. May we say 'yes' to God's invitation to stand with Him in the gaps, letting our deep sighs for the brokenness we see give way to unseen hope that new life is possible, God is present and at work, and He is hovering over the chaos.


Many of you know that a lot of change is happening at our youth centre. It is bittersweet to say farewell to Ainsley (my work + real friend) as she moves on from Youth Unlimited YFC, Donna (our exceptional administrator) as she retires, and Kevin (our outstanding satellite director) as he transitions into a regional director role with Southwestern Ontario YFC.

Is this a lot of change? Yeah.

Will this change the way we do things at Youth Unlimited YFC? Inevitably yes.

Is God in the middle of all of it? With certainty.

At times I am completely overwhelmed by the gift it has been to serve with this team, to work with people I love, and to champion each other as we seek to champion youth in our community. And with unwavering hope, we look forward to the future, knowing God is at work in each of our lives and in this ministry.


  • Clear vision and wisdom for Mel and I as we serve Listowel, moving from being a team of five to a team of two

  • 'L' as they experience some big challenges

  • Students experience the presence of God at camp this summer!


  • Canoe Day trip - May 3

  • Field trips - May 14-15, 21, June 6

  • Volleyball Camp - July 22- 25

  • Muskoka Woods Camp - July 28 - August 2

  • Youth Camp at Conestoga Bible Camp - August 24 - 30