Ray & Carol Jones (Guelph)

Dear family and friends, 

Very warm greetings from Guelph where we are now enjoying beautiful spring weather! Hope it's good where you are too! Life is usually busy for me with preaching and involvement in various areas of service for the Lord. But, we're just about to embark on the very, very busy summer schedule of conferences and camps, This weekend will see over two hundred men at the annual Guelph Men's Conference. That will soon be followed by a succession of children, youth camps and family camps. We anticipate a really good year of opportunities to share the gospel and teach the Word of God. 

Healthwise, Carol continues to struggle with problems that have plagued her for years, but I must say that she handles them very well and continues to trust the Lord knowing that one day we will be free from these old bodies and in the very presence of the Lord. I'm doing OK. recently had xrays on both knees as I'm hobbling a bit -even using a walking stick at times!  That hasn't stopped me yet, but I, like Carol, will always welcome prayer! Mercifully, we serve a risen Saviour who knows, cares and understands! 

As some of you know, we have recently lost close family members. Colin, Carol's brother, and Jon, Ray's sister's husband. Sad times, but both safe in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ through faith in His sacrifice for us all on Calvary.

This is a very troubled world and the middle-east seems like a powder keg ready to explode, doesn't it? These things have all been foretold in the Word of God. We don't know just when these things will climax but we do know that we have salvation and through the Lord Jesus Christ!

So, by the Lord's grace,  we continue to press on serving Him and preaching the gospel. My car is now close to 200,000 km but seems to run well - another opportunity to pray! 

When we think of you dear friends who stand with us, and so many that have gone on to be with the Lord, we are immensely thankful and grateful. May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you as you serve him in your corner of the world.

Always love to hear from you!

        Yours in Christ's service, 

            Ray and Carol

Rom 9:1  I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit,  9:2  that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.

Why did Paul experience such continual and deep grief in his heart? Why was he so upset? Paul’s primary concern was the fact that many of his own countrymen, even his own relatives, were unsaved. Despite the fact that they had so many advantages; the very Word of God; promises; covenants and even His manifested glory, they still were not saved! Mat_14:14  ..when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, ....   Are we deeply grieved and moved with compassion over the lost      Ray Jones

Let me look at the crowd as my Saviour did,

Till my eyes with tears grow dim,

Let me look till I pity the wandering sheep

And love them for love of Him.

                                                    R. A. Jarvie