Charlotte Martin - July 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: All our mission trips went well and ended well. God was faithful in changing lives. My travel in May and June went well. I enjoyed getting to visit mission trips, especially getting to experience Vietnam and help with the mission trip debrief. I was able to enjoy family both when I was in Singapore and at a cottage in ON at the end of June. PRAY: The Guelph P2C office moves to a smaller space within Guelph at the end of August. We have a lot of stuff that I am responsible for downsizing and I'm slightly overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done in the next two months. We are starting to confirm locations and leaders for 2023 mission trips. My global missions team has some team member changes happening this summer. Pray that we would welcome new team members well and say goodbye to those transitioning to other things.

Ray & Carol - July 2022

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Thankful for the Lord's continuing leading, provision and opportunities to witness and serve Him. We are very thankful that my sister in England professed to believe before she passed away last week. We are thankful for you all who prayed for her and us during this difficult time. PRAY: The summer activities at Guelph. Speaking at open air meetings in Tavistock and Listowel on the 17th & 24th.

Raul & Jessenia - July 2022

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Danilo continues to grow chubby and healthy. Tiago has adjusted well to the role of big brother. In the coming month we have several opportunities to share about the ministry in Ecuador at different churches. Back in Ecuador, the youth leaders have begun discipleship Bible studies with a handful of youth who were baptized recently. 

PRAY:  For our last month here in Canada- that the opportunities we have to connect with people would be meaningful. That God would raise up more sponsors for the school. For Ana and Lis- two El Salvadorian women who plan to come as missionaries to work at our school- that God would raise up the support they need in order to cover their living expenses in Ecuador and for their preparations this month as they leave El Salvador to move to Guayaquil.

Phil & Andrea - July 2022

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For safe travel for Phil over the last month and that the cold he got while traveling was a cold and not COVID. For the time together with Directors in South Africa facilitating discussions and encouraging them to sharpen their ministry direction. That Andrea has been able to enjoy summer weather at home and not be packing suitcases. For healing for Andrea after getting COVID. PRAY: For Andrea as she seeks to balance her Middle East and Global roles. That Phil will have wisdom over the next month as he prepares several reports and proposals for presentation to SIM’s Board. For wisdom as Phil provides advice to leaders around the world. For colleagues who work in the Middle East to find housing in this area when they come home to Canada to have a baby in September. For Liam to find a job related to his degree.

Gord Martin

Greetings to our brothers and sisters at Wallenstein,

Thank you for the gift of $250 sent to us this month. You have been so faithful over so many years, a double thank you!!

Thank you too for your prayer support for Indy who has now escaped from Burma to India. When i last spoke to him he was in the hospital undergoing medical treatment. His health continues to be a big concern. Our prayer is that he will find a way to get the travel documents required so that he will be able to return to his family in Winnipeg.

Heather and I were in Ottawa on the weekend. We stayed with our son Chad and his family. Had a great time with them! I also was visiting churches and church leaders while I was there. On Saturday morning I met with the leadership group from a Karen group, a tribal group from Burma. Almost none of the adults spoke adequate English, so our whole meeting took place by interpretation. I then met with a group of 10 or 12 pastors and church leaders for an Ottawa network meeting. We had a truly excellent time discussing the issue of race, as it relates to churches and church leaders. At the end of our meeting the host of the pastor who hosted us invited the group to continue to meet together for a monthly prayer time. It was an excellent next step!

On Sunday I spoke in the morning to an African group, mostly east Africans. They put on a tremendous Father's Day program! I then spoke at the Persian church which was having their third service. After that I met with the Eritrean church in a park which has been supporting the Persian church with administrative financial support.

It was a full weekend but truly excellent time,

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada