Gord Martin

Greetings to our brothers and sisters at Wallenstein,

Thank you for the gift of $250 sent to us this month. You have been so faithful over so many years, a double thank you!!

Thank you too for your prayer support for Indy who has now escaped from Burma to India. When i last spoke to him he was in the hospital undergoing medical treatment. His health continues to be a big concern. Our prayer is that he will find a way to get the travel documents required so that he will be able to return to his family in Winnipeg.

Heather and I were in Ottawa on the weekend. We stayed with our son Chad and his family. Had a great time with them! I also was visiting churches and church leaders while I was there. On Saturday morning I met with the leadership group from a Karen group, a tribal group from Burma. Almost none of the adults spoke adequate English, so our whole meeting took place by interpretation. I then met with a group of 10 or 12 pastors and church leaders for an Ottawa network meeting. We had a truly excellent time discussing the issue of race, as it relates to churches and church leaders. At the end of our meeting the host of the pastor who hosted us invited the group to continue to meet together for a monthly prayer time. It was an excellent next step!

On Sunday I spoke in the morning to an African group, mostly east Africans. They put on a tremendous Father's Day program! I then spoke at the Persian church which was having their third service. After that I met with the Eritrean church in a park which has been supporting the Persian church with administrative financial support.

It was a full weekend but truly excellent time,

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada