Ecuador Camp - Faro de Esperanza

To the WBC Family,

As you will have heard during our Sunday service, it’s the time of year again when our friends in Ecuador are preparing to run camp programs for Kids & Youth! We are not able to send a team down this year, but we can still help make camp happen by supporting them financially.

We are aiming to raise $6500 to fund a week of camp. Any surplus funds will go towards much needed repairs to several buildings. For details on these projects please click HERE.

How can I Give?

There are 2 methods available to donate toward the camp:

  1. Donate through WBC – using your regular giving method (offering envelope or online) – make sure to note that your donation is for the “Ecuador Camp”.

  2. Donate through MSC Canada – MSC is a 3rd party whose role is to ensure missionaries and ministries around the world can receive funds from donors like us. You can submit an online donation via this link.

Charitable receipts are available via either method.

Read below for more about the camp.

 How is WBC involved with Faro de Esperanza?

While a number from WBC have spent time at the camp or at the school in Bastion, in addition, our very own Raul and Jessenia live in Guayaquil and are heavily involved in the ministry there!  We are one of several Canadian and US churches that have partnered with the camp over the years to help support them both in prayer and financially.

 What makes camp special?

For anyone who grew up at camp, you’ve likely got memories that have stuck with you over the years.  Camp is an opportunity for kids to come together in a safe place and experience God’s love through the care of their camp counsellors and other volunteers.  They play games, sing songs, learn Bible lessons, do crafts, and have time just to be kids.  Have a listen to this video from two former campers who are now counsellors at the camp.  They share from their first-hand experience why camp is so special. Click HERE to watch the short video.

How can I learn more about the Camp?

Jenn Reid is a member of the Canadian Camp Support Team – a group of Canadians who partner with the Ecuadorian-led board of directors for the camp.  If you want to learn more about the camp, or have questions about the fundraiser, please feel free to reach out to her by email or phone. ( or 519-505-6592).  Alternatively, you can reach out to our Treasurer, Neil Martin.

Thank you!!

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

Compared to the excitement of December, January has been rather quiet. We began 2022, with an unwelcome guest in our home- Covid. Thankfully, symptoms weren’t bad, but it did cause a major interruption to our lives. We were still able to enjoy the last week and a half with Jessenia’s parents, though the visit didn’t look exactly the way we were hoping. At the same time, Omicron swept through Ecuador and we went back to staying at home and doing a lot of ministry online.

Currently, Covid numbers seem to be dropping, and things are slowly opening up again. Church has gone back to meeting in-person and we are hoping to begin in-person youth meetings next week.

We have some exciting news to share, we are expecting our second child and hope to travel back to Canada in March a couple months before the due date. We excited to welcome this new member into our family and we are of course looking forward to time spent with our family and church family. Please pray for us as we organize ourselves to leave for a few months and as we try to figure out traveling during Covid with a toddler and while pregnant.

As always, we are so grateful for your prayers and support,

Jessenia and Raul

Charlotte Martin - February 2022

MARTIN, CHARLOTTE (Guelph, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: We have 41 students so far who have submitted applications for 2022 mission trips. The borders for one of our international trip locations are opening. PRAY: That national trips planned for Edmonton, Montreal, and Guelph would be full with 10+ students each. That the borders would open and stay open for our international trips (Desert Rain, Vietnam, and Japan). Staying flexible and adaptable in planning for 2022 trips. That my current roommate and I would find the right 3rd roommate for our house.

Trevor & Hannah - February 2022

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For the safe and healthy arrival of our baby Avery on December 16 at 3:35AM. That everything worked out for baby and mommy with a short labour and impromptu home birth. PRAY: For our family as we continue to adjust to life as a family of 4. Also pray that things will go well as Trevor plans to finish his parental leave and transition back to work at the end of February.

Russ & Meredith - February 2022

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH  (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement)  PRAISE: 

The "Social Media as a Leadership Tool" that Russ is leading is going very well. K has successfully integrated into our team with lots of great ideas for digital outreach. Successful digital outreach training in Singapore. PRAY: For continued outreach opportunities with N, J, V, CS. For safe travel for Russ: Thailand Feb 6-10 and USA Feb 21-Mar 4. That the right partners would surface to expand our global hackathon to 200 cities this year in October.