Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

Compared to the excitement of December, January has been rather quiet. We began 2022, with an unwelcome guest in our home- Covid. Thankfully, symptoms weren’t bad, but it did cause a major interruption to our lives. We were still able to enjoy the last week and a half with Jessenia’s parents, though the visit didn’t look exactly the way we were hoping. At the same time, Omicron swept through Ecuador and we went back to staying at home and doing a lot of ministry online.

Currently, Covid numbers seem to be dropping, and things are slowly opening up again. Church has gone back to meeting in-person and we are hoping to begin in-person youth meetings next week.

We have some exciting news to share, we are expecting our second child and hope to travel back to Canada in March a couple months before the due date. We excited to welcome this new member into our family and we are of course looking forward to time spent with our family and church family. Please pray for us as we organize ourselves to leave for a few months and as we try to figure out traveling during Covid with a toddler and while pregnant.

As always, we are so grateful for your prayers and support,

Jessenia and Raul