Phil & Andrea Bauman

What am I doing? And why?

Some months back we wrote about Andrea asking "Do you see it?" referring to some green shoots poking out of the ground of our flowerbeds and how that relates to the importance of looking for the multitude of ways that show God is at work. 

Andrea has enjoyed developing her gardening skills over this past Canadian summer and our home has been the better for it with lots of growth and colour. As a gardener-in-training, Andrea is selective about what she invests in and celebrates. She puts in time and effort, not to celebrate her effort but because her effort helps produce a change in our flowerbeds.

As we engage with colleagues around the world one of the things we are working on is to help our teams clarify what they are doing and why. We want our ministry activities to contribute to a kingdom focused change in the community of people we are engaging. This is not always easy. Sometimes we can get very focused on what we do and lose sight of why we do it.

A gardener needs to discern what plants to grow and then have wisdom to understand what activities will help to lead to the healthy growth of those plants. Likewise in ministry, we need to prayerfully discern the communities we are engaging and the changes we seek.

In a garden, if there are changes in soil or weather or pests, the gardener's activities may need to change. Similarly in ministry, to effectively engage a community for kingdom transformation, leaders need wisdom to undertake the activities that will best, by God's grace, allow that community to be transformed. As contexts change, our activities may also need to change. Leading ministry that keeps clarity of focus is challenging but rewarding.

Serving SIM teams around the world to gain ministry clarity is a key part of Phil's role. To see people led and well cared for are key parts of Andrea's roles. There are many things to celebrate and more work to do to see teams effectively pursue our Purpose.

Convinced that
no one should live and die
without hearing God’s good news,
we believe that He has called us
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
in communities where He is least known

Visiting colleagues in-person!!

It was a real joy to be able to visit colleagues in person in in the Middle East in October. Andrea has continued to spend a lot of time as Personnel Coordinator for the Middle East. For the last two years all that interaction has been virtual. To spend time at team retreats in two countries was a real blessing. It was great to be together in person with those she works with regularly and to also meet new people who she has only ever 'met' virtually. There are so many opportunities in the Middle East! Please pray for our teams to remain focused as they pursue ministry, and for new people to come and join those teams. We are particularly praying for people to join a new team that will start work in a new and challenging area, bringing the good news to communities where Christ is unknown.

International Leadership Team comes to visit!

The last time most of the SIM International Leadership Team (ILT) was together was at our Leaders event in Kenya in February 2020! ! Just days before the world began to retreat into lockdowns. We have continued to meet virtually since then but our planned Nov 2020 meeting remained virtual. This year we were delighted to have most of the ILT come to Guelph - just 30 mins from our home for in-person retreat and meetings Nov 10- 14. (COVID restrictions meant a few were unable to join us.) The ILT works closely together so it was a real blessing to be able to spend time together, in-person, studying Scripture, praying, sharing meals and fellowshipping together. We even had a bit of snow on our last evening so those visiting from some warmer climes could experience snow.

In addition to the retreat we had the privilege of hosting friends and colleagues both before and after. It was great to be able to extend our guestroom use beyond family!

We gained a daughter!

We are delighted that Kieran and Mackenzie were able to get married on June 12th as planned. COVID did present a lot of challenges as they planned and re-planned the wedding many times. They were blessed with beautiful weather and an early lifting of some restrictions so a few more guests could attend the ceremony in person.

Thank you!

We want to thank each one who prays for us, supports us, and continues to express interest in our ministry. We send out some short praise and prayer updates either on a weekly (ish) or monthly basis. If you would like to get those please sign up here.

We are also very grateful for the financial support that God provides for us as we serve SIM teams around the world. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM's International Director that Phil works directly with has written highlighting some aspects of Phil's role and a fund-matching opportunity that has been provided to us (click to see letter). If you are interested in giving, please see the links below, or contact us.

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • for a chance to visit the Middle East.

  • that most of the International Leadership Team could meet in person.

  • for the work done to develop a summary of SIM's Core Values.

  • for Kieran and Mackenzie's wedding.


  • for wisdom for Phil as he works with teams to be clear about the communities they engage and the changes they seek.

  • that Andrea will serve other personnel coordinators well so that SIM's workers are well cared for.

  • that those planning to go to the Middle East will receive the needed support so that they can go serve.

  • for each of our kids to continue to love God and serve him well.

  • for both of us to keep a healthy balance in our lives.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil

Russ & Meredith Martin

God at work through #HACK2021

In early October, we asked you to pray for three things. Here's how God answered.

1. Meredith's Health
We asked you to pray for healing and restoration of her body.

Overall, she is doing much better and having less immune system issues. Her itchiness and skin flares have decreased a lot. We've been working on lowering her stress and she's been very disciplined to stick to a limited diet. Things are headed in the right direction. Praise God for these positive steps.

2. Indigitous #HACK2021
We asked you to pray for the effectiveness of teams working on spreading the gospel far and wide through accelerating Bible translation, streamlining missions information, and platforms for poverty alleviation.

1,223 participants from 113 cities and 34 countries participated. During the event Russ was able to drop in on a few of the cities via video conference. The passion for teams using their talents to create innovative digital experiences to help others follow Jesus was contagious.

- A team in the UK created an app to track prayer walking on every street in the country.
- The Dvash app, the Hebrew word for “honey,” was created by a team in Ethiopia to make it easy to read, study, and understand the Bible as well as share it on your mobile device in multiple local languages.
- A team in Panama created an online temperament quiz where users get to know more about themselves, see how Jesus is like them, and then engage with a relevant Gospel presentation.
- A team in Australia collaborated to create a trusted network for connecting local ministry workers to supporters in hard to reach locations.

Learn more about the top projects or watch the global celebration. It is such a joy to facilitate this global network of Christians passionate about bringing the gospel where it's not in their local context. 

3. Work Pass Renewal
We asked you to pray for an expeditious approval.

Unfortunately, we are still waiting. The thought of having to move countries in six weeks is a little frightening, but we continue to go about our daily lives, planning to continue to live and work in Singapore.

WBC Friends, this past month we have seen God at work in so many ways. We wish you could join our calls and see the names and faces of the leaders we serve and how they are innovatively brining the gospel to new places and spaces. Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below:
- Gwenyth turns 8!
- Dressing up as Canadians, eh, for international day.
- Meredith surprises her mom for a special birthday.

Charlotte Martin - Power to Change

Wallenstein, my mouth hung open as my teammate, Jordan, told me, "Charlotte, we have 10 applications for mission trips already."

"How many of those are admin testers?" I asked skeptically.

"Zero." Jordan replied.

"Are most of them just opened or are some of them significantly filled out?" I asked.

"Most of them are over 50% completed" he said.

This conversation happened the day after applications went live for 2022 mission trips. I couldn't believe my ears. Our team had just spent the last month confirming locations, trying to find staff directors for the trips, preparing the promo resources and none of this had been easy. As of today, 20 students have started applications. It is exciting and surreal for our team that we will have in person mission trip opportunities for 2022. Please join us in praying that 75 students will join us on mission trips this summer.

This month I'm also celebrating ongoing impact from our digital mission trip (DMT) this past May. When the official DMT came to an end, the group of students and staff reaching out to East Asia decided to unofficially continue. Recently a student in East Asia, "Herbie," came to faith. Here's the story as told by one of the Canadian students:

Through the DMT, I got to meet Herbie, a very friendly and approachable student, in his first year of university studying law. I remember when we first met each other, we discussed ethnicities and geopolitics, and Herbie's answers were filled with knowledge and insight. Then, out of the ordinary, during our conversation, I asked him, do you believe in God? We swiftly entered a spiritual conversation and I got a chance to share my mini testimony. In the beginning, Herbie seemed a bit confused and unable to fully understand the gospel. Yet, he continued to have an open heart and was very receptive towards spiritual conversations. Shortly after, Herbie started to attend our weekly English corner on a regular basis.

In late July, we started an Alpha Course online. One week after attending the first Alpha, Herbie decided to reach out to a Christian friend of his, to seek a way to access a Bible and to visit a church in East Asia. He even took initiative to visit a local church near his place on a Sunday. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic or unknown reasons, the church was not open. Yet, despite these barriers, Herbie's interest to know God’s Word did not fade.

In late October during Alpha, the topic of the week was “How can I be fill with the Holy Spirit?”, where the video invites viewers to accept the Holy Spirit. Without much expectation, when we invited
Herbie, he said “yes" to accepting the Holy Spirit! There, we got a chance to lead him to accept: 1) God, the Trinity, created the heavens and earth; 2) Jesus, son of God, came to earth in human form, died for us and resurrected 3 days after; 3) Holy Spirit, part of the Trinity, to enter Herbie’s life. Praise God for his wonderful works! I feel honoured and encouraged that I can be part of God's ministry, and that I had the opportunity to witness firsthand the work of God in Herbie – from sowing, growing, to now harvesting!!

Currently, because of pandemic restrictions,
Herbie has not been able to find a local church community in East Asia. Therefore, he virtually attends a Toronto church with one of our DMT teammates. He now has access to a digital Bible on his phone, but much more prayers are needed for him.

As we know God has not stopped working during the pandemic. It may look different than before, but God is not limited.

Wallenstein, because of your partnership students in Canada have the opportunity to go on mission trips in 2022 and students in East Asia have the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. Thank you so much.

This Friday (November 19-27) I will be traveling to North Africa with two of my colleagues. We are going to support and encourage the campus staff we have working there. The last time I was in North Africa was 2012. As we head overseas for the first time since the pandemic started, please pray for safe travels and that we would be an encouragement. Also pray that we would have a deeper sense of how God is at work in that part of the world.

Check out some of my fall fun below:
Picture 1: Waiting to ride the city bus for fun with my nephew.
Picture 2: Pumpkin carving.
Picture 3: Learning to shuck a lobster while at leadership meetings in Halifax.
Picture at Top: Walking along the harbour in Halifax

Phil & Andrea - November 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For a good trip to the Middle East. It was good to attend team retreats in 2 countries, to see friends and hear about work in their context, encourage them and pray for them. For safe travels and that all the added logistics of COVID tests and documentation worked well. That most of Phil’s colleagues on SIM’s International Leadership Team (ILT) are able to come to Guelph for a time of retreat and business. These leaders have not been together in person since Feb 2020. Praise that we can host colleagues in our home before and after the event. PRAY: That the ILT retreat will be a good mix of renewal and fellowship along with engaging on current organisational leadership needs. For wisdom as we begin to consider invitations to engage in different ways that will require travel in 2022. For productive times of meeting with colleagues in person before and after the retreat. That Andrea will have uninterrupted time to work on designing an online training course.

Trevor & Hannah - November 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For some really strong student leaders in our ministry at the University of Waterloo this semester. For the financial support that has come in this past year and continued faithful supporters which has helped put our ministry in a better financial position. PRAY: For Hannah in her 3rd trimester of pregnancy, due December 22. For wisdom in choosing student leaders for our UW ministry next semester.