Russ & Meredith Martin

God at work through #HACK2021

In early October, we asked you to pray for three things. Here's how God answered.

1. Meredith's Health
We asked you to pray for healing and restoration of her body.

Overall, she is doing much better and having less immune system issues. Her itchiness and skin flares have decreased a lot. We've been working on lowering her stress and she's been very disciplined to stick to a limited diet. Things are headed in the right direction. Praise God for these positive steps.

2. Indigitous #HACK2021
We asked you to pray for the effectiveness of teams working on spreading the gospel far and wide through accelerating Bible translation, streamlining missions information, and platforms for poverty alleviation.

1,223 participants from 113 cities and 34 countries participated. During the event Russ was able to drop in on a few of the cities via video conference. The passion for teams using their talents to create innovative digital experiences to help others follow Jesus was contagious.

- A team in the UK created an app to track prayer walking on every street in the country.
- The Dvash app, the Hebrew word for “honey,” was created by a team in Ethiopia to make it easy to read, study, and understand the Bible as well as share it on your mobile device in multiple local languages.
- A team in Panama created an online temperament quiz where users get to know more about themselves, see how Jesus is like them, and then engage with a relevant Gospel presentation.
- A team in Australia collaborated to create a trusted network for connecting local ministry workers to supporters in hard to reach locations.

Learn more about the top projects or watch the global celebration. It is such a joy to facilitate this global network of Christians passionate about bringing the gospel where it's not in their local context. 

3. Work Pass Renewal
We asked you to pray for an expeditious approval.

Unfortunately, we are still waiting. The thought of having to move countries in six weeks is a little frightening, but we continue to go about our daily lives, planning to continue to live and work in Singapore.

WBC Friends, this past month we have seen God at work in so many ways. We wish you could join our calls and see the names and faces of the leaders we serve and how they are innovatively brining the gospel to new places and spaces. Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below:
- Gwenyth turns 8!
- Dressing up as Canadians, eh, for international day.
- Meredith surprises her mom for a special birthday.