Raul & Jessenia Espinoza


Dear friends at Wallenstein,

We know these times have not been easy for so many of you, and that many churches are hurting from not being able to meet personally. But it has been a comfort to receive the “What’s Happening at Wallenstein” email every week and see that life at Wallenstein continues in spite of all the restrictions.

The freedom we had felt from Covid a couple months ago has undergone a radical transformation. We are now in a third wave of Covid with numbers of the sick similar to what it was a year ago. Thankfully, the fear and disorganization are not the same. It seems people are used to it and the government has yet to impose a total lock down like last time. Right now, we are in a month of curfew (8:00 at night we have to be at home) and on the weekends no one is allowed outside of their house- not even for groceries.

The rules haven’t felt too hard for us to follow as Covid has hit very close to home. Raul’s family came down with it 3 weeks ago and a number of people from our church have since tested positive. We had been with Raul’s family with no social distancing right as they were starting to feel sick, and by the grace of God we didn’t get it. We are so thankful that Raul’s family and the others from our church have had very minor symptoms and are now on the mend. The hardest part has been having to keep our distance from them.

The surge in covid numbers lead to the last half of camp being canceled, which meant our youth didn’t get to go. They are disappointed but are holding on to hope that they will be able to go in October which is when camp hopes to host them for the missed weeks. Youth is also cancelled for the time being. Please pray for our youth in this time of disconnect and that we can be back to meeting together soon.

School is out on “summer” break right now and classes will resume May 7th.  Things will continue online for the time being.

Thank you for continuing to support us as we serve down here. Your faithfulness is such an encouragement to us.

With love,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago