Trevor & Hannah - May 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a diversity and oneness training that both Trevor and Hannah went through. It was helpful to learn about and grow in matters of race, culture, ethnicity and heritage. There's much more to learn, but it was a fruitful experience. For a female student who came to Christ in North Africa and who was led to Christ by our colleague Jocelyn who we worked with and coached a couple of years ago. This area of the world has hard soil, so we praise God for this new believer! PRAY: For a Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor is leading. He and his team will work to consolidate & highlight resources for our staff & students to use in discipling others. Our goal is to have this ready in August for next school year. For wisdom with our spring/summer priorities and to find ways to be a light to our neighbours amidst lockdown and the pandemic

Russ & Meredith - May 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: Priscilla has started as our new Indigitous marketing leader. Some marginal progress with Heath's condition. 6 interns wrapping up work with our Indigitous Serve program. PRAY: Heath is experiencing a topical steroid withdrawal and he wakes during the night in a lot of discomfort, itchy etc... pray for healing and God to meet him in his pain. Many opportunities to support "GoMonth" as Christians around the world use digital strategies to share their faith during May 2021... including our family trusting God for opportunities at our apartment complex. God's provision for school bills due this month.

Robert & Susan - May 2021

MARTIN, ROBERT & SUSAN (Kingston, ON; Kingston Prison Ministry; MSC) PRAISE: “A” was granted day parole and now may have to wait for several months for an available bed in the halfway house. “H” has responded to our Easter letter and shared that he is in a good spiritual state; he is in his 70’s. Thankful for every contact and opportunity to connect with men; God is not restricted. PRAY: “S” has a day parole hearing April 30, he has asked me to be his assistant. “D” is grieving the loss of a close friend; loneliness and grieving are extra hard. “G” is still in hospital and not expecting to live much longer. His sister calls and I am able to have prayer with them over the phone.

Gord & Heather - May 2021

MARTIN, GORD & HEATHER (Waterloo, ON; Vision Ministries) PRAISE/PRAY: Indy, still stuck in Burma. It's very dangerous there. He says, “people are digging bomb shelters under their houses, I plan to start digging tomorrow.” Pray for peace in that country and that he will be able to return home to Canada to his family. It's been over a year now. A huge blessing! A church in China has provided a major financial gift to be divided among immigrant planters and pastors in Toronto. Frankly, it's beyond belief! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! We are trying to launch an English speaking, 2nd generation, interdenominational church plant in Ottawa, somewhat bogged down at present, pray for a breakthrough!

Ray & Carol - May 2021

JONES, RAY & CAROL (Guelph, ON; Itinerant Preaching/Teaching Ministry) PRAISE: Our praise for this month is a little but huge, nevertheless! Grant and Marianne Bayfield work in a remote tribe in the Philippines. Grant is from an assembly in Bancroft and was one of our students when we were on staff in Durham. Like so many others, he went on to serve the Lord, see souls saved and a work for the Lord established. What a joy to our hearts this is! This link gives a first hand view of some of the work: We are thankful for all the ministry opportunities and for all the Lord's leading, guiding and provision. PRAY: Please pray for Guelph Bible Conference Centre and all the Christian camps that are dealing with uncertain times and difficulties due to Covid. We long to get back to seeing the grounds being used for the various groups. Please pray for the Century Lodge project that was begun before Covid but is now on hold for lack of funds. Please pray for opportunities and boldness to share the gospel in these very needy times.