Praise & Prayer

Raul & Jessenia - July 2021

ESPINOZA, RAUL & JESSENIA (Guayaquil, Ecuador; MSC) PRAISE: Youth group has been happening and it has been so fun to see the youth again and their excitement and joy at being able to play and study together. We have a new group of kids and really enjoy their attitudes and participation. The school renovation project "Fresh Start" is underway and the school is looking much better, step by step. PRAY: That school would be able to go back to in-person in the next couple of months. For wisdom for Raul as he works with the rest of the school board to reorganize some of the school functions and the building itself.

Jenn Brubacher - July 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I had the opportunity to co-host YFC’s online national conference. This month we’re wrapping up online programs and celebrating students as they finish the school year. Tour For Teens (biking fundraiser) went really well and we’re looking forward to our golf tournament next month. I was able to celebrate Anne & Travis, previous students who were involved in YFC programs, and attend their covid-friendly wedding! PRAY: Please pray for the drop-in program. Our team needs continued wisdom, discernment and patience as we serve and love these students. Most of the students who we’re seeing right now are junior high aged and there are a lot of needs, a lot of energy and a lot of opportunities to speak into their lives. Pray for them. And please pray for wisdom and clarity as we put together details for our daytime drop-in camp (pandemic pending, running the last two weeks of July). We want these students to know that they are known and loved by God, and of course, have fun!

Phil & Andrea - July 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA (Canada, International roles with SIM) PRAISE: For a great wedding day on June 12th for Kieran & Mackenzie. That restrictions lifted the day before the wedding so that a few more guests could attend the ceremony. That Cara has a co-op job in London (Ontario) as a student therapist for Sep to Dec. That Liam is working full-time hours. For a great connection to a Christian business consultant for Phil and a colleague as they develop a key piece of planning. For Phil's 50th birthday! PRAY: For Kieran and Mackenzie to establish a Christ-centred marriage. For Cara to be able to find housing during her co-op and for Liam to find housing for his last year (Sep - Apr). That Phil will have clarity as he reviews and updates ministry planning resources. For wisdom for Phil and others as they seek to develop principles for the global movement of funds for ministry. Assisting with developing specific practices will follow. For Andrea as she continues to support and equip new personnel coordinators. That God will provide for new workers trying to raise the rest of their support so that they can arrive in the Middle East later this summer/autumn.

Trevor & Hannah - June 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 4 students who came to Christ through our various Alpha groups across Canada this school year. Some others are getting close to making a decision towards Christ as well! For God's provision as we've been raising some support this year and it's neat to watch God provide through various people. Please pray that we continue to be diligent and trust God in this! And praise God for many who faithfully support us, including our WBC family! PRAY: For a Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor is leading a team to work on. We are trying to compile and recommend resources to be listed on our website for staff & students to use in discipleship for next school year. Due to COVID and a couple other factors, our number of new students getting involved has decreased nationally in the last couple of years. Our National Leadership Team has initiated a national goal to integrate 700 first year students for next school year. Please join us in prayer toward this goal!

Russ & Meredith - June 2021

MARTIN, RUSS & MEREDITH (Singapore; Power to Change / Lausanne Movement) PRAISE: For stories of outreach that happened through digital outreaches this month. For Clark whom Russ has been discipling online as he seeks to leave addictions and follow Christ. For a supportive church community journeying with us through various trials and challenges. PRAY: For better sleep for Heath, 5, as he continues to have health challenges related to chronic eczema - we especially want him to be in a place to start school in August. For wisdom in navigating the details of making some unexpected changes with our kids' schooling. For patience with each other as we are spending nearly 100% of our time at home under tightened pandemic restrictions for a month.