Trevor & Hannah - June 2021

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For at least 4 students who came to Christ through our various Alpha groups across Canada this school year. Some others are getting close to making a decision towards Christ as well! For God's provision as we've been raising some support this year and it's neat to watch God provide through various people. Please pray that we continue to be diligent and trust God in this! And praise God for many who faithfully support us, including our WBC family! PRAY: For a Discipleship Resources Project that Trevor is leading a team to work on. We are trying to compile and recommend resources to be listed on our website for staff & students to use in discipleship for next school year. Due to COVID and a couple other factors, our number of new students getting involved has decreased nationally in the last couple of years. Our National Leadership Team has initiated a national goal to integrate 700 first year students for next school year. Please join us in prayer toward this goal!