Jenn Brubacher - July 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: I had the opportunity to co-host YFC’s online national conference. This month we’re wrapping up online programs and celebrating students as they finish the school year. Tour For Teens (biking fundraiser) went really well and we’re looking forward to our golf tournament next month. I was able to celebrate Anne & Travis, previous students who were involved in YFC programs, and attend their covid-friendly wedding! PRAY: Please pray for the drop-in program. Our team needs continued wisdom, discernment and patience as we serve and love these students. Most of the students who we’re seeing right now are junior high aged and there are a lot of needs, a lot of energy and a lot of opportunities to speak into their lives. Pray for them. And please pray for wisdom and clarity as we put together details for our daytime drop-in camp (pandemic pending, running the last two weeks of July). We want these students to know that they are known and loved by God, and of course, have fun!