Praise & Prayer

Les & Sharon - January 2021

FREY, LES & SHARON (Elmira, ON; Local Church) PRAISE: Good health and many online contacts with family and people overseas. Continued contact with our Spanish speaking friends by texting, phoning or video talks. PRAY: Wisdom to launch the marriage mentoring program at WBC amid restrictions. Wisdom for being an encouragement to those needing it from the Pastoral care team.

Esther Frey - January 2021

FREY, ESTHER (Puerto Rico; Emmaus Correspondence) PRAISE: Thank you, Lord, for good health at the end of 2020. The Emmaus courses have been spiritual food for many prisoners sinche chaplains can't enter. There are 56 people meeting daily for prayer, Bible study, etc. in one section of a prison in Ponce. We can still have our Sunday morning meetings at the chapel. One neighbour expressed that the slower pace has been a time of reflection. PRAY: For my neighbours Freddie and Kim, salvation. Putting my apartment in the hands of a realtor. Chapel repairs - second story bathrooms were not built on the original foundation and have separated from the building because of sinking property. An estimate of $60,000 has been given to repair. Trying to decide on a wise solution.

Jenn Brubacher - January 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: PRAISE: I’m really thankful for this season, especially as we celebrated the birth of our Saviour! I am thankful for my ministry partners-- my church family, friends & family who walked with me in 2020. We hosted a girls’ night just before the Christmas break; we really wanted to bless these girls and create a space for them to exhale after a hard season. We worshipped and prayed together, laughed (a lot!) and had time to encourage one another as we acknowledged the difficulties and gifts this year brought. We have built a lot of meaningful relationships with students. I’m thankful for the continued opportunity I have to supervise our highschool co-op student, Cole. Watching him grow, serve and step out of his comfort zone as he seeks God’s will for his life has been an honour. I’m thankful for the time I had at the end of the month to rest. PRAY: In the middle of December I started a new dosage of medication to help alleviate headaches & migraines. At this point the side effects are mild/moderate but it’s definitely slowing me down. I’ve been thinking a lot about the older students who we stopped seeing after the pandemic hit. Some are now parents, some have solid jobs, some are more lonely than ever, some are in toxic relationships; pray for them. As we navigate another lockdown, please pray for God’s protection over the minds and hearts of students. They need His hope, His truth and His transformative love. May this lockdown be the season they experience these things.

Phil & Andrea - January 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE:  For a good Christmas season and time together with our kids.  That Kieran got his MRI and does not need surgery. He is making good progress in recovery. That despite being in lockdown Liam and Cara's co-op jobs are proceeding with a lot of work from home. For health and strength as we start into a new year.  PRAY:  

For Phil to make wise use of time as he provides leadership for several initiatives. Andrea is enrolled in a Coaching course starting this month. Pray there will be enough participants for the course to run, and that it will be beneficial to her in her work. As we relate to SIM leaders around the world, pray that we can be an encouragement to them as they seek to lead wisely in the midst of a pandemic. For Kieran & Mackenzie as they try to plan a wedding (Jun 12) in the midst of COVID uncertainty. For Liam and Cara as they start their co-op jobs this week.

Trevor & Hannah - December 2020

MARTIN, TREVOR & HANNAH (Waterloo, ON; Power to Change) PRAISE: For a student in Winnipeg who attended our Leadership Webinar Nov. 1. She didn't think she was good enough for Christianity, but the Webinar helped to show her that it's not about if she's good enough, but rather about how good God is and putting her faith and dependence in Him! For over 100 students (at the time of writing this) filling out a qualitative survey about their experience in P2C this semester. This will provide us valuable information moving forward about how students are growing spiritually and ministering to others. PRAY: For students who are feeling lonely, tired and depressed/anxious in the midst of the pandemic. That we would continue to find new & innovative ways to reach students for Christ amidst COVID.