Jenn Brubacher - January 2021

BRUBACHER, JENN (Listowel, YFC) PRAISE: PRAISE: I’m really thankful for this season, especially as we celebrated the birth of our Saviour! I am thankful for my ministry partners-- my church family, friends & family who walked with me in 2020. We hosted a girls’ night just before the Christmas break; we really wanted to bless these girls and create a space for them to exhale after a hard season. We worshipped and prayed together, laughed (a lot!) and had time to encourage one another as we acknowledged the difficulties and gifts this year brought. We have built a lot of meaningful relationships with students. I’m thankful for the continued opportunity I have to supervise our highschool co-op student, Cole. Watching him grow, serve and step out of his comfort zone as he seeks God’s will for his life has been an honour. I’m thankful for the time I had at the end of the month to rest. PRAY: In the middle of December I started a new dosage of medication to help alleviate headaches & migraines. At this point the side effects are mild/moderate but it’s definitely slowing me down. I’ve been thinking a lot about the older students who we stopped seeing after the pandemic hit. Some are now parents, some have solid jobs, some are more lonely than ever, some are in toxic relationships; pray for them. As we navigate another lockdown, please pray for God’s protection over the minds and hearts of students. They need His hope, His truth and His transformative love. May this lockdown be the season they experience these things.