Phil & Andrea - January 2021

BAUMAN, PHIL & ANDREA  (Canada, International roles with SIM)    PRAISE:  For a good Christmas season and time together with our kids.  That Kieran got his MRI and does not need surgery. He is making good progress in recovery. That despite being in lockdown Liam and Cara's co-op jobs are proceeding with a lot of work from home. For health and strength as we start into a new year.  PRAY:  

For Phil to make wise use of time as he provides leadership for several initiatives. Andrea is enrolled in a Coaching course starting this month. Pray there will be enough participants for the course to run, and that it will be beneficial to her in her work. As we relate to SIM leaders around the world, pray that we can be an encouragement to them as they seek to lead wisely in the midst of a pandemic. For Kieran & Mackenzie as they try to plan a wedding (Jun 12) in the midst of COVID uncertainty. For Liam and Cara as they start their co-op jobs this week.