Praise & Prayer

Charlotte Martin - May 2020

PRAISE:  My team is running a digital mission trip in the month of May. We've had interest from staff and students wanting to participate and God is helping us pull it together quickly.  One of our international teams (who is doing online ministry after having to come back to Canada) saw two friends come to Christ this past month.  PRAY:  That the mission trip would help students grow in their love for God, enlarge their vision for God at work around the world, and give them opportunities to make foreign friends using digital platforms.  That the staff team planning the mission trip would work together well and have unity.  A teammate has been experiencing heavy mental health struggles during this pandemic. Pray that I would know how to supervise her well and point her to the help that she needs.

Les & Sharon - May 2020

PRAISE:  Great opportunities by Internet to keep in touch and minister. Spoke twice in April in Spanish to church in Bastión, Ecuador.  Health and God's provision for our needs.  PRAY:  Les continues to be asked to speak in Bastión Ecuador and does story time with Theo at the same meeting and for Living Waters bookstore.  Opportunities by Zoom meetings and Facebook and phone to continue encouraging others.  Contact Mike who is not saved and reading the New Testament.

Esther Frey - May 2020

PRAISE:  For His divine protection in this critical time.  For the Emmaus ministry that can be carried on during lockdowns, although I have had to do it alone.  Three students finished the 89 courses we offer.  For more opportunities to share the gospel with neighbors - through texting.  One prisoner is returning to his home May 7.  He is the one I mentioned last month who did the drawings. I was able to contact by phone both the mother and wife of another prisoner.  The wife is not a Christian.  PRAY:  One dear sister, a fulltime Sunday School teacher passed away April 15.  Her mother, Josefina, Catholic background, needs comfort.  Her husband died in November, and this lady (Cristina) was her only daughter.  We expect to do a memorial service when we are permitted.  Continue to remember our three other ladies with cancer.  Yolanda has been in the hospital since February.  We continue lockdown, curfew 7 pm to 5 am.  My neighbor lady who left her husband, but I've been in touch by phone.  Found out she had accepted Christ years ago, but not active right now.  Wisdom in reaching out to her.

Raul & Jessenia - May 2020

PRAISE: For the generosity of many from North America, which has allowed our church to give out 75+ grocery baskets to families from our church and community who are in need. We are so grateful that together we have helped alleviate some of the anxiety that these families face and that we can be a light during a dark time. For the internet, and how it allows us to keep in contact with family and friends in Guayaquil. We have also been able to do more Bible studies with some of our youth than normal because everyone suddenly has more time. That Raul is here in Canada and we can be together as we await the birth of our son. That Becky and Carlos Ortega are safely out of Guayaquil at camp and are working to organize online church events.  PRAY: For the Covid situation in Guayaquil- hospitals are overrun, bodies are getting lost, and politicians seem more worried about the coming elections than helping get the country through this crisis. For protection for Alex and his wife Maria who are being the "hands and feet" of our church in delivering groceries to families. For Raul as he works from afar trying to help school leadership make difficult decisions of how to handle the Covid situation. For the birth of our baby which could be any day now!  For encouragement and safety for Becky and Carlos as they continue to encourage the Bastion church from afar.

Jenn Brubacher - May 2020

PRAISE: We had our Spring Banquet online (the “No Dinner dinner”) and we are thankful for the way God continues to provide financially.  All of our programs are now online and we are using Zoom & Houseparty to connect with students. I’ve had really good conversations with youth about how they’re coping, and they continue to be more open with the things they’re wrestling with-- they are hungry for meaningful conversations. Our staff team continues to look for new ways to connect with students, whether it’s a ‘driveway drop off’ and leaving candy for students or connecting with parents to see how we can support their family, God is using this pandemic to further His Kingdom. On April 22-23, I was able to “attend” the online Q conference for ongoing learning. For the next three months, I have the opportunity to supervise our summer student, Anne - a previous student of mine and I’m very excited to reconnect and intentionally pour into her as she serves at YFC. PRAY: For many students, this season is like a pressure cooker (or for you instant pot fans, an instant pot). Addictions, mental health issues, and broken family relationships are intensified. The longer we are in self-isolation, the harder these things are to handle. Pray for God’s protection over their minds, souls and bodies. Pray for safety as they find ways to cope and in this season, students would be drawn to Him. It is difficult caring for these students from afar, but I am thankful that our Lord is near.