Raul & Jessenia - May 2020

PRAISE: For the generosity of many from North America, which has allowed our church to give out 75+ grocery baskets to families from our church and community who are in need. We are so grateful that together we have helped alleviate some of the anxiety that these families face and that we can be a light during a dark time. For the internet, and how it allows us to keep in contact with family and friends in Guayaquil. We have also been able to do more Bible studies with some of our youth than normal because everyone suddenly has more time. That Raul is here in Canada and we can be together as we await the birth of our son. That Becky and Carlos Ortega are safely out of Guayaquil at camp and are working to organize online church events.  PRAY: For the Covid situation in Guayaquil- hospitals are overrun, bodies are getting lost, and politicians seem more worried about the coming elections than helping get the country through this crisis. For protection for Alex and his wife Maria who are being the "hands and feet" of our church in delivering groceries to families. For Raul as he works from afar trying to help school leadership make difficult decisions of how to handle the Covid situation. For the birth of our baby which could be any day now!  For encouragement and safety for Becky and Carlos as they continue to encourage the Bastion church from afar.