Esther Frey - May 2020

PRAISE:  For His divine protection in this critical time.  For the Emmaus ministry that can be carried on during lockdowns, although I have had to do it alone.  Three students finished the 89 courses we offer.  For more opportunities to share the gospel with neighbors - through texting.  One prisoner is returning to his home May 7.  He is the one I mentioned last month who did the drawings. I was able to contact by phone both the mother and wife of another prisoner.  The wife is not a Christian.  PRAY:  One dear sister, a fulltime Sunday School teacher passed away April 15.  Her mother, Josefina, Catholic background, needs comfort.  Her husband died in November, and this lady (Cristina) was her only daughter.  We expect to do a memorial service when we are permitted.  Continue to remember our three other ladies with cancer.  Yolanda has been in the hospital since February.  We continue lockdown, curfew 7 pm to 5 am.  My neighbor lady who left her husband, but I've been in touch by phone.  Found out she had accepted Christ years ago, but not active right now.  Wisdom in reaching out to her.