Missionary Letters

Trevor & Hannah Martin

Living Room Labour

Hannah's contractions started just a little bit on Wednesday morning. No big deal we thought, but took note. We had a midwife appointment that afternoon and labour did not seem imminent. But contractions continued during the day and into the night. We were hoping to have a good night's sleep and re-evaluate things in the morning. God had other plans. After trying to sleep for a bit, more steady contractions came and we called the midwife at 2AM. She came quite quickly to our house to check on Hannah. "You might make it to the hospital or you can have the baby here," she said. Hannah looked over at me (Trevor) with a look of uncertainty when i exclaimed "I'm ok to do it here!" Soon enough, our living room turned into the delivery room and our couch was the delivery bed. Just over an hour later, baby Avery came out weighing 6lbs 11ounces! Our family has been doing well, trying to catch some sleep and thankful that Avery has been healthy so far.

As we celebrate Avery's birth, we rejoice with you in celebrating the precious birth of our wonderful Saviour, Lord and King...Jesus!!!!!
Whatever season of life you are in, we share with you

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Trevor & Hannah Martin

It Was Such A God Moment!

"I was getting a manicure for my birthday and started talking to the woman doing my nails. I found out that she and her husband had just immigrated from Turkey and couldn't use their existing degrees so have decided to go back to school. She's in the same social work degree as me and we have some classes together! I talked about being a part of Power to Change and how we have bible studies, and she's really interested in coming to check it out. It was such a God moment! "

CC was so excited to tell Hannah this story during their one-on-one discipleship time. It was neat to hear how God was using her everyday moments to bring people one step closer to Jesus. CC is growing in her faith and it is exciting to see how Jesus is impacting all areas of her life. Pray for CC and her friend that they would continue to be able to connect and meet Jesus in deeper ways. And thank you for help students like CC to take steps of faith!


TL: Hannah's team and Trevor enjoying a meal together
TR: Trevor going horse riding at our staff retreat for the first time!
BL: Amelia's 5th birthday party!
BR: Amelia "helping" with the raking at Grandma & Grandpa's

Baby Coming Soon!

As you countdown to Christmas, remember us as well, as baby Martin is due on December 22! We are cherishing our time currently as our family of 3 and Amelia is very excited to become a big sister. Please pray that Hannah and baby would have a safe labour and that our first couple of weeks would go well.

Giving Corner

To make a special year-end/Christmas donation or setup a monthly donation, you can go to p2c.sh/thm, call 1-855-P2C-GIVE or feel free to reach out to us! Alternatively, some of you have asked us about a baby registry, so we made one that you can see below.

Thank you to all of you who faithfully support our ministry financially and/or in prayer. From our family to yours...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

A couple links you might like

1) Chris Tomlin - Christmas Day Song
3) Super Easy Instant Pot Mac and Cheese

Gord Martin - Kenya trip

Good afternoon to all the brothers and sisters at Wallenstein,

I want to thank you very much for the gift of $250.00 which you sent to our office for our ministry. A big thank you to you!

Since being in Kenya, Ishmael and his team have visited a new area which is inhabited by a nomadic tribal group. Ishmael said he didn't even realize there were people still living like that in his country. However he was elated at the opportunity to bring the gospel to them, they were most responsive! For a 5 minute video about our trip there, click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8b4pfBTo80

I have been working for some time with a core group of about 10 families in Ottawa that is hoping to launch a new Persian church plant there. The planter is a very steady person. I had the opportunity of meeting the core group a few weeks ago when I was in Ottawa. I was impressed with them, with their genuineness and with their readiness to launch this work in our nation's capital. They estimate that there are 10,000 Farsi speaking people in Ottawa. So far, there is no Persian or Farsi speaking church there.

On November 28th I spoke to the Persian Spirit of Truth church in Toronto. It was their first in-person gathering in a year and a half. I spoke to them from Psalm 126 which includes the words “we were like men who dreamed!” It was great for them to be together again!

I've also been working with an Ontario church in crisis. We are making some progress and I would appreciate your prayer them and for me.

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity,

Gord Martin

Vision Ministries Canada

145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON

519-501-5933 cell


Richard & Marina Haverkamp

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

We greet you in that name, which is above all names, Jesus, the sovereign Lord, and with the words of John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Wonderful words for the times we’re living in.

Next year, 2022, the churches in Belgium are celebrating. 50 years ago, the first church was started in our living room in Edegem, Belgium. This year, 2021 it is 50 years ago that we went first to Holland and then six months later to Belgium. Much has happened during those 50 years for which we praise God. And all those years WBC has stood with us with prayer and financial support. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your faithfulness during those 50 years. We praise God for your love and liberality in standing with us. No doubt, He, the Lord of the harvest, and the One we love and serve together will reward you in His own wonderful way.

We are no longer able to do what we used to do, but we’re still involved in the Lord’s work. I have sent seven messages to Belgium, and they have been listened to over 10.000 times, praise God. I am also by email or messenger in continual contact with folk, saved and unsaved, over there. And last week I received two emails, one from Germany and one from Belgium.

The one from Germany came from an organization called, "Konferenze für Gemeindegrundung = Conference on Church Planting. This organization started at least 30 years ago in Germany with a group of leaders who wanted to promote planting of new churches. They had heard of the growth in Belgium and asked me to be the speaker at their first conferences in West Germany, two times, East Germany, and Switzerland. Hundreds of workers, elders, deacons, missionaries, and others attended, and these conferences were really blessed and resulted in the starting of a number of new churches. They now wrote to me asking me to write a long article for their magazine to be printed next February. The purpose is to stimulate and inspire the younger generation to plant new churches. What a challenge and opportunity, I would ask your prayers for this.

The email from Belgium asked me to write a foreword for the gospel of Mark which was translated in the West Flanders dialect. The man who did the translating was someone mentioned in my book, “The God Who is real” named Tony. He ate some poisonous herbs and gave some to his little pig in the barn, which was dead the next morning, but Tony had nothing. He was converted and the change in his life was so great that his siblings noticed this and out of curiosity came to a Bible study and a number of them became Christians after some time, praise God. Tony wanted to reach more of his people in West Flanders (Flanders Fields) and so he translated Mark's gospel into their dialect. Pray that I may find the right words for the foreword of this book.

Marina and I continue to rejoice in the Lord despite difficulties and limitations. God’s grace is sufficient.

Many heartfelt thanks again for your Christian love, prayers, and financial support.

God bless you and keep you until we meet at Jesus' feet.

Loving greetings.

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina.

Phil & Andrea Bauman

What am I doing? And why?

Some months back we wrote about Andrea asking "Do you see it?" referring to some green shoots poking out of the ground of our flowerbeds and how that relates to the importance of looking for the multitude of ways that show God is at work. 

Andrea has enjoyed developing her gardening skills over this past Canadian summer and our home has been the better for it with lots of growth and colour. As a gardener-in-training, Andrea is selective about what she invests in and celebrates. She puts in time and effort, not to celebrate her effort but because her effort helps produce a change in our flowerbeds.

As we engage with colleagues around the world one of the things we are working on is to help our teams clarify what they are doing and why. We want our ministry activities to contribute to a kingdom focused change in the community of people we are engaging. This is not always easy. Sometimes we can get very focused on what we do and lose sight of why we do it.

A gardener needs to discern what plants to grow and then have wisdom to understand what activities will help to lead to the healthy growth of those plants. Likewise in ministry, we need to prayerfully discern the communities we are engaging and the changes we seek.

In a garden, if there are changes in soil or weather or pests, the gardener's activities may need to change. Similarly in ministry, to effectively engage a community for kingdom transformation, leaders need wisdom to undertake the activities that will best, by God's grace, allow that community to be transformed. As contexts change, our activities may also need to change. Leading ministry that keeps clarity of focus is challenging but rewarding.

Serving SIM teams around the world to gain ministry clarity is a key part of Phil's role. To see people led and well cared for are key parts of Andrea's roles. There are many things to celebrate and more work to do to see teams effectively pursue our Purpose.

Convinced that
no one should live and die
without hearing God’s good news,
we believe that He has called us
to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
in communities where He is least known

Visiting colleagues in-person!!

It was a real joy to be able to visit colleagues in person in in the Middle East in October. Andrea has continued to spend a lot of time as Personnel Coordinator for the Middle East. For the last two years all that interaction has been virtual. To spend time at team retreats in two countries was a real blessing. It was great to be together in person with those she works with regularly and to also meet new people who she has only ever 'met' virtually. There are so many opportunities in the Middle East! Please pray for our teams to remain focused as they pursue ministry, and for new people to come and join those teams. We are particularly praying for people to join a new team that will start work in a new and challenging area, bringing the good news to communities where Christ is unknown.

International Leadership Team comes to visit!

The last time most of the SIM International Leadership Team (ILT) was together was at our Leaders event in Kenya in February 2020! ! Just days before the world began to retreat into lockdowns. We have continued to meet virtually since then but our planned Nov 2020 meeting remained virtual. This year we were delighted to have most of the ILT come to Guelph - just 30 mins from our home for in-person retreat and meetings Nov 10- 14. (COVID restrictions meant a few were unable to join us.) The ILT works closely together so it was a real blessing to be able to spend time together, in-person, studying Scripture, praying, sharing meals and fellowshipping together. We even had a bit of snow on our last evening so those visiting from some warmer climes could experience snow.

In addition to the retreat we had the privilege of hosting friends and colleagues both before and after. It was great to be able to extend our guestroom use beyond family!

We gained a daughter!

We are delighted that Kieran and Mackenzie were able to get married on June 12th as planned. COVID did present a lot of challenges as they planned and re-planned the wedding many times. They were blessed with beautiful weather and an early lifting of some restrictions so a few more guests could attend the ceremony in person.

Thank you!

We want to thank each one who prays for us, supports us, and continues to express interest in our ministry. We send out some short praise and prayer updates either on a weekly (ish) or monthly basis. If you would like to get those please sign up here.

We are also very grateful for the financial support that God provides for us as we serve SIM teams around the world. Dr. Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM's International Director that Phil works directly with has written highlighting some aspects of Phil's role and a fund-matching opportunity that has been provided to us (click to see letter). If you are interested in giving, please see the links below, or contact us.

Prayer Corner

Praise God

  • for a chance to visit the Middle East.

  • that most of the International Leadership Team could meet in person.

  • for the work done to develop a summary of SIM's Core Values.

  • for Kieran and Mackenzie's wedding.


  • for wisdom for Phil as he works with teams to be clear about the communities they engage and the changes they seek.

  • that Andrea will serve other personnel coordinators well so that SIM's workers are well cared for.

  • that those planning to go to the Middle East will receive the needed support so that they can go serve.

  • for each of our kids to continue to love God and serve him well.

  • for both of us to keep a healthy balance in our lives.

Thank you for journeying with us,
Andrea and Phil