Richard & Marina Haverkamp

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at WBC,

We greet you in that name, which is above all names, Jesus, the sovereign Lord, and with the words of John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Wonderful words for the times we’re living in.

Next year, 2022, the churches in Belgium are celebrating. 50 years ago, the first church was started in our living room in Edegem, Belgium. This year, 2021 it is 50 years ago that we went first to Holland and then six months later to Belgium. Much has happened during those 50 years for which we praise God. And all those years WBC has stood with us with prayer and financial support. We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your faithfulness during those 50 years. We praise God for your love and liberality in standing with us. No doubt, He, the Lord of the harvest, and the One we love and serve together will reward you in His own wonderful way.

We are no longer able to do what we used to do, but we’re still involved in the Lord’s work. I have sent seven messages to Belgium, and they have been listened to over 10.000 times, praise God. I am also by email or messenger in continual contact with folk, saved and unsaved, over there. And last week I received two emails, one from Germany and one from Belgium.

The one from Germany came from an organization called, "Konferenze für Gemeindegrundung = Conference on Church Planting. This organization started at least 30 years ago in Germany with a group of leaders who wanted to promote planting of new churches. They had heard of the growth in Belgium and asked me to be the speaker at their first conferences in West Germany, two times, East Germany, and Switzerland. Hundreds of workers, elders, deacons, missionaries, and others attended, and these conferences were really blessed and resulted in the starting of a number of new churches. They now wrote to me asking me to write a long article for their magazine to be printed next February. The purpose is to stimulate and inspire the younger generation to plant new churches. What a challenge and opportunity, I would ask your prayers for this.

The email from Belgium asked me to write a foreword for the gospel of Mark which was translated in the West Flanders dialect. The man who did the translating was someone mentioned in my book, “The God Who is real” named Tony. He ate some poisonous herbs and gave some to his little pig in the barn, which was dead the next morning, but Tony had nothing. He was converted and the change in his life was so great that his siblings noticed this and out of curiosity came to a Bible study and a number of them became Christians after some time, praise God. Tony wanted to reach more of his people in West Flanders (Flanders Fields) and so he translated Mark's gospel into their dialect. Pray that I may find the right words for the foreword of this book.

Marina and I continue to rejoice in the Lord despite difficulties and limitations. God’s grace is sufficient.

Many heartfelt thanks again for your Christian love, prayers, and financial support.

God bless you and keep you until we meet at Jesus' feet.

Loving greetings.

Yours, still in His service,

Richard and Marina.