Missionary Letters

Charlotte Martin: "A story to share and an invitation to extend . . ."


It's always rewarding to watch a student's perspective shift, and their heart become more like Christ's. During this year of COVID our global missions team has been focusing on helping students care about what God is doing globally.

For the reading week break our East Asia staff, who remain grounded in Canada, put together a mini webinar series (see the Instagram ad above) where student's learned about our calling to make disciples of all nations, the history of missions, current needs and how they can be involved. About 20 students participated. A student from the University of Guelph recently said that this "conference" was the P2C highlight of her semester. Here's what she said,

"I have been wondering if missions is for me, and ultimately what God has in store for me, as I like to plan out my life! I felt encouraged by that experience because I gained a lot more knowledge about what missions truly is. I was touched by a message that was shared by one speaker about the importance of Bible translation. Although I am not gifted with languages, for right now I felt convicted of the way I give to missions... even just through prayer or monetary donations. My heart ached for those who have never even seen a full Bible and I've been made more thankful for the number of resources, translations and commentaries we have available in English!!"

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).

Next in global missions we are working toward running a Digital Mission Trip during May. On this virtual trip students will participate with God in mission. They will encounter God through growing in spiritual rhythms, they will receive training in cross-cultural engagement, and they will get to do online ministry. Pray with us that 30 students sign up to participate (so far we have about 15 interested students).


You're Invited!

An online event
Saturday, April 17
at either 8pm Eastern or 8pm Pacific
A week of stories and hope online
Monday, April 12 to Friday, April 16

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In this past year of disruption we've been ministering to students in new ways – in every way we can imagine. And we have stories to share of what God has been doing.

Each day starting Monday, April 12th, we’ll release new stories. Find them on social media or get them sent right to your inbox by signing up here.


Learn more, register, or request an email reminder for the April 17th online event here:

*Register for the online event before April 1st, and you will receive an event package in the mail. This will help you experience the broadcast in greater fullness right from your home!

Russ & Meredith Martin

10 Workers, 1 Missionary, A Tablet and the Gospel

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"There are times that remind us that we are missionaries. Yesterday, very far from the city, a conversation was initiated with a group of peasants using digital media.” 

We received this message from Bayang, a colleague in Chad, who spends many hours travelling by motorbike and boat to remote villages and using digital media to help the last, the lost and the least to discover Jesus. This photo makes us smile, because it means our work is having an impact, not to mention the clever use of a jerry can.

Bringing the gospel across barriers is the heartbeat of our work in digital missions. Last year, we spent significant time developing the capacity for leaders like Bayang to have the technology, internet connections and content necessary to help others discover Jesus. This photo is one small representation of the fruit of our labor. We will likely never travel to this remote place, but together our partnership is bringing the gospel there.

Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions.

Photos below: March is Birthday Month
1. Heath turned 5 and neighbour turned 7 - joint party!
2. Wyatt turned 9 - He planned all the details of his birthday party.
3. Celebrating our friend's birthday with highly awarded chicken rice

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Trevor & Hannah Martin



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Stress, anxiety and depression are at an all time high in university and college students. Each student has their own stressors that impact their day to day and the isolation of the pandemic amplifies the negative thoughts and feelings. Power to Change has been a helpful community for many to build friendships to walk through these tough times together. Our hope is not only that our students would thrive in their mental health during this time, but also that they could help their friends who don't know Christ thrive as well. We are addressing mental health issues in a couple of different ways.

The men of Power to Change Waterloo had a heart to heart conversation about the difficulties they were facing. They encouraged each other, prayed for each other and set up supports for the future so that no man is an island. It's often harder for me…

The men of Power to Change Waterloo had a heart to heart conversation about the difficulties they were facing. They encouraged each other, prayed for each other and set up supports for the future so that no man is an island. It's often harder for men to express their need for mental health help and we hope the stigma was broken with this event.

The women of Power to Change Waterloo gathered online to discuss the spiritual, emotional and physical sides of mental health. We partnered with a local church who has a registered therapist on their staff and she gave some great resources for when …

The women of Power to Change Waterloo gathered online to discuss the spiritual, emotional and physical sides of mental health. We partnered with a local church who has a registered therapist on their staff and she gave some great resources for when times get tough and also how to help others who are struggling.

We have also addressed this need on our P2C-Students blog and had training for our staff to know how to address languishing mental health in ourselves or those we are serving. Through all of this, we are reminded that God is in control. He knows the pain and struggles of each person and is not far from those who seek Him.

Please pray with us for these students in this last month of this school year. They are currently in mid-terms and final exams/assignments are looming.

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Family fun

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Some links you might like

1) Mental health series on the P2C-Students blog
2) Sparrow by Corey Asbury (a song that Trevor's been listening to)
3) Monster Cookies (this recipe makes a lot so save some dough made into balls in the freezer for a quick batch later)

God is doing amazing things through students amidst the hardships.
Please pray that God and His gospel
would be the hope for a hurting generation.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

We keep seeing pictures of the snow you are having and wouldn’t mind having some to cool off a bit. It’s been SO hot and rainy here in Guayaquil! However, we are thankful for the rain and the beauty it brings the city in the form of lush plant life.

Thank you for your continued prayers for our city and ministry. Covid numbers appear to be rising and we are hearing of more and more cases in our community. Recently the couple at our church who lead the children’s ministry tested positive for the virus, but thankfully their symptoms are minor.

So far, we are still allowed to have church and youth group. We’ve been having youth group every other week . Since it has been announced that there will be camp, a few more youth have been coming out in hopes of getting to go. It has been so good to see our youth and enjoy each other’s company and have some light-hearted games and laughter. We’ve been doing a series on different aspects of salvation, and feel we have seen some light bulbs turn on the youth’s understanding of this most important subject.

And camp! We are excited that there will be camp this year and so are our youth. Each session will only be 3 days and will have half the number of campers and staff. But still, it means our youth will have 3 days in a place where they are surrounded by love, in a healthy atmosphere and most importantly learning about the love of Christ. Pray with us these seeds fall on soil that is ready to accept them!

Love in Christ,

Jessenia, Raul and Tiago

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Russ & Meredith Martin - Living the Ordinary Inhabited by the Extraordinary

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“You do not need to be extraordinary. You need to be the ordinary inhabited by the extraordinary life of God.  A word, a meal, a cup of cold water, have the capacity to bring the life of God to this world and delight His heart.” Diane Langberg

Buzzzzzz. A friend rings up to our flat telling us she’s coming to deliver fresh, homemade, smoked bacon. We willingly let her come! As she arrives the 6 year old girl from down the hall comes skipping down to see if our kids are free to play. A ping on Meredith’s phone tells her that our upstairs neighbour wants to continue chatting about big challenges in parenting and a marriage spiraling downhill. 

These everyday moments didn’t always come naturally or without sacrifice and inconvenience. In the beginning, conversations were often quick and showed people’s insecurities. But as people grew to trust our attentive ears and sincere hearts, the conversations have lengthened and deepened.

We have yet to meet any followers of Jesus at our apartment complex. Even though we are missionaries, we often feel powerless or lack confidence to help people know Jesus. We wrestle with the fine line between saying too much or too little. This has driven us to prayer. It has struck us that most of our friends don’t have anyone in their life to bring their emotional/physical/spiritual needs before our heavenly Father. It is our privilege to steward.

Russ recently assumed responsibility for the MissionHub app. Prayer prompts, conversation starters and practical outreach ideas are all intended to help the ordinary, everyday follower of Jesus, live an extraordinary life for God. We are eager field testers as we wrestle with growing in confidence to catalyze the spread of the gospel to where it’s not, right among the 3,000 people at our apartment complex.

WBC Friends, please join us in praying that salvation would come to the homes of our many friends. They are from diverse and accomplished backgrounds from all around the world. Materially they have everything they need, but many feel chronically unfulfilled.

Thank you for your continued partnership in leading the next generation of digital missions and supporting us in bringing the gospel where it's not.

Photos below:
1. Making dumplings with neighbours
2. A 12km hike for Valentine’s Day
3. Bringing traditional oranges for Chinese New Year

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