Missionary Letters

Raul & Jessenia Espinoza

Dear Wallenstein family,

Raul and I have been in Canada for months now and it feels so strange to not have had the chance to connect with the church family in person every Sunday. Many people are finding that though the Covid-19 situation has been quite hard it does have silver linings and that is what Raul and I have experienced. Covid-19 has allowed us to spend lots of quality time with our immediate family and learn to parent quietly at home. We have also been able to be much more connected to our ministry in Ecuador than normal since so much has been moved to working on-line. 

When we first planned to come to Canada we were hoping to find volunteer activities for Raul to keep him busy and to learn English. Covid-19 changed all that, and now he is looking at more time in Canada with less to do. Thankfully, he has had work to do for the school and is using this time to learn how to make a website for the school- all the more necessary now that learning is happening online. He and Jessenia are also keeping in contact with the youth through virtual youth meetings and Bible studies. We definitely don’t see as many youth as when we meet in person, but we enjoy meeting with the ones who do show up. Please continue to pray for these youth as they navigate online learning (which needs a lot of self motivation), and for their continued desire to walk with Christ. 

The church continues to flourish and see people outside of our normal church community participating in the meetings. Many people who walked away from church and God have had their spiritual interest awakened by the uncertainty of the future. Many people have also felt very encouraged by the church physically through the grocery deliveries that our church was enabled to give. This makes us excited to go back to Guayaquil and join in when we are allowed to meet in person again. Raul has been involved in online meetings with the church leaders to see about possibly beginning meetings again in early July.

As for us, we have decided to extend our stay in Canada until the end of August so we can stay for a family member’s wedding and see how the situation in Guayaquil is panning out. It is hard to know how things are going in Guayaquil these days. The media there is pretty much controlled by the government and we suspect we are not hearing the truth about the Covid-19 situation. The city seems to be going back to normal, but we hear reports that there are still many people in the hospitals. Please pray for wisdom for us as we decide when to go back, for good plane tickets, and the continued safety of our friends and family.

Thank you for walking through this with us,

Raul and Jessenia (and Tiago)

*Pictures are of us as a family and an online youth meeting.

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Russ & Meredith Martin

COVID-19 Opens Opportunities in Social Media

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Dear WBC Friends,

For years we have been trying to help a small team of missionaries in a closed country in southeast asia bring the gospel to university students through Facebook. The students we are trying to reach are some of the most digitally savvy in the region (and world), but the team’s leaders have always been hesitant to let these missionaries “go for it”. Well, COVID-19 changed all of that. Missionaries could no longer go to campus to meet students and students had to study from home.

Courageously, without trying to draw too much attention from authorities, our team took to Facebook, creating easy-to-use ways for the limited number of Christians in the country to share their faith on social media. They also took evangelistic media clips and content in their local language and promoted it on Facebook for non-Christians to engage with. They invited their friends to evangelistic events held through video. 

One of their efforts led to 12,000 people watching the content and 100 people requesting further follow-up from a local believer to learn more about Jesus. 

For security, we can’t be more specific, but it has been a thrill to coach this team through learning to use social media effectively to help people discover Jesus. The cultural and spiritual context is very challenging. What a huge opportunity with 100 new people now actively journeying towards Jesus!

WBC Friends, through your partnership we are helping to lead the next generation of digital missions and bringing the gospel where it’s not in southeast Asia. Thank you!


Russ & Meredith Martin

What does ministry from a distance look like?

Masks are mandatory in Singapore.

Masks are mandatory in Singapore.

Hi WBC Friends,

We haven't been more than 1km from our flat in 70 days. Every day, it's 30 degrees (C) with high humidity, but swimming pools aren't open. It can feel like we are living and working on top of each other in our small living space (~600sqft).

Despite these "developed world" challenges, we have much to be thankful for as we are emerging from a formal lockdown period in Singapore.

Here's a snapshot of what real life has looked like for our family the last few months.

The Good
- We've eaten all our meals together as a family for 70 days in a row.
- Although we could only go out for about 30 minutes a day for exercise, we've been able to enjoy after dinner walks and bike rides along a nearby canal.
- Lots of time to enjoy board games as a family.
- Opportunities to press into parenting well as a team.
- Reading the book of Romans together as a family.
- Lots of sibling play time.

The Bad
- Trying to help the kids with their Chinese language learning when you don't speak Mandarin.
- Unable to go deeper in friendships with people at our condo and church.

The Ugly
- Heath had a severe allergic reaction and needed to go to hospital by ambulance.
- There was a period early in lockdown where our marriage felt like, "never more physically close, never more emotionally distant."
- Weekends... without the structure of school and work there were clashes of five different wills.

We are thankful that restrictions are slowing lifting and this week our kids returned to finish their last two weeks of school before summer break.

We had hoped to return to North America this summer to visit our friends and family but that's practically impossible at this point and so we are disappointed with that loss.

Despite the challenges of lockdowns all across Asia, we are seeing God at work. We'll send a separate email later this week with some highlights of our recent ministry work.

WBC Friends, thank you for your continued friendship and partnership.

P.S. Amongst all the division in the world our family has been enjoying the various renditions of "The Blessing" from SingaporeCanadaZimbabwe and Latin America.

Photos below:
- Heath's allergic reaction sent us to the hospital
- Indoor market day was delicious
- Daily walk/ride after dinner

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Martin Ministry - Ministering Online

Ministering During the Spring Semester Online

"It is working, and we're getting better each week!"

Both the P2C-Waterloo staff and the core student leaders team share this sentiment about online ministry. The staff are creatively finding ways to give direction and mentor student leaders at the University of Waterloo. Around 50 students are involved in Zoom calls for prayer, discipleship, outreach and a whole group gathering each week. A key has been break-out discussion rooms mid-way through large group Zoom meetings. 

Please pray for creative outreach this term. Students came up with the brilliant idea of "Java Chats." Each week students invite non-Christian friends and peers to chat about different topics, such as, "When everything is taken away, what remains?" Another brilliant idea is the "Bake Alongs" and various hobby clubs meeting virtually. Going forward we want to build more momentum with the socials, Java-chats, and a nation-wide P2C Alpha course.


Living out the Gospel at Home

We want students to discover the relevance of Jesus for all of life, including life at home with their family during a pandemic. The lockdown means that students spend more time with their family than they normally would. Our families are the people who know us the best, and see some of the most sinful sides of our lives. It has been a joy for Hannah to walk with the women she is discipling to help them live out Christ's redemptive love in their lives and to their families.  They are wrestling with Jesus over idleness, idolatry, identity, and injustice together. Some of them come from non-Christian families, and we are praying together that they can be a witness to their families of the hope, joy and love Jesus can bring in uncertain times. And that, by God's grace, their families would come to know Jesus personally too!

Just like you, we've had to learn some new skills these last few months.   1) Hannah has learned to 'cut' Trevor's hair  (really just buzz it with clippers and a #1 guide comb) 2) Learning new baking recipes gets us good healthy treats 3) Ameli…

Just like you, we've had to learn some new skills these last few months.

1) Hannah has learned to 'cut' Trevor's hair (really just buzz it with clippers and a #1 guide comb)
2) Learning new baking recipes gets us good healthy treats
3) Amelia is learning her letters and numbers!

One year

Thank you for everyone who have been praying for us and asking about how Trevor has been doing. April 15th was the 1 year mark since Trevor was discharged from the hospital after a mental health crisis. This is a major marker as many people relapse within the first year. We are so grateful in so many ways that that Lord has been healing Trevor this past year. He has learned when he needs space and rest, as well as speaking up for his needs so the people around him understand. We are also happy to tell you that Trevor's mental health has been stable during this pandemic.  
Thank you so much for your prayers and support through all of this.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we know it makes a big impact. 

God is doing amazing things through these students.
Please continue to pray that God would
continue to use these students,
even though scattered,
to be light in the darkness.

Thank you for all your support in helping students discover Jesus

To give financially to our ministry: 
go to 
p2c.sh/tm or call 1-855-P2C-GIVE

Our mailing address is:
151 Cavelletti Court
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 3X3

YFC Spring Update from Jenn!

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Jenn Brubacher
Youth Unlimited/ YFC
 North Perth & Minto

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In this Season 

Worship. Obey. Wait. 

I just finished studying the book of Luke and man, what an encouragement. I could go on for quite awhile about the things I gleaned from this study, but I'll spare you the details and share this one thought. 

Luke 24: 50-53 says:
Then Jesus led [the disciples] to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven. So they worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy. And they spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God. 

What an incredibly beautiful moment. Jesus spent the last 3 years with the disciples. He was their friend, Teacher and Lord, and he changed absolutely everything. How do the disciples react as they enter the unknown without him? They worshipped Jesus, obeyed his instruction and waited for the Holy Spirit to come.

Worship. Obey. Wait.  

This season seems like it will last forever but the reality is, it won't. Seasons come and seasons go, this one is no different. What won't pass is the work and Word of our Father. What is my reaction in this uncertain season? What is yours?

As frustrating, painful, lonely, and difficult this time may be, may we follow the disciples' example and worship, obey and wait on the Father, because we know He never changes, even if the seasons do.

Zoom is the new normal! Anne and I meet for half an hour everyday. It's great to have a daily check-in and use this time for mentoring. As you can see, we have fun!

Zoom is the new normal! Anne and I meet for half an hour everyday. It's great to have a daily check-in and use this time for mentoring. As you can see, we have fun!

Things look a lot different!

As we enter the third month of quarantine, we continue to invest in students as we pray, challenge and encourage them in the way of Christ. Along with online programs, we are:

  • Sharing #ForNorthPerth prayer & devotional videos every Tuesday and Thursday on our Facebook and Instagram page

  • Hosting virtual drop-in twice a week via Houseparty

  • Surprising students with a 'Driveway Drop-off', stopping by their home to bless them with a treat!

I'm also supervising and working alongside our Summer Student, Anne! Anne was a student at LDSS two years ago and was very involved in our programs. She longs to know God, make Him known to the people around her, and is just plain fun to be with! It is a blessing to serve with her.

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Upcoming Event! 

Even though it's going to look different this year, I am biking 25km for YFC's annual Tour For Teens! If you would like to sponsor my ride, click the donate button below. All proceeds raised go directly to my ministry!


  • Upcoming fundraisers, Tour For Teens and our annual Golf Tournament

  • Our Summer Student, Anne, as she serves with us from May- July

  • Students' mental health

  • Healed relationships within students' families 

  • Strength and health-- my energy level has been very low this month

Thank you for your prayer, support and encouragement in this season. I'm blessed to have you walk alongside me. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or specific prayer needs! It's great to know how I can be praying for you specifically. 

All For His Glory,