YFC Spring Update from Jenn!

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Jenn Brubacher
Youth Unlimited/ YFC
 North Perth & Minto

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In this Season 

Worship. Obey. Wait. 

I just finished studying the book of Luke and man, what an encouragement. I could go on for quite awhile about the things I gleaned from this study, but I'll spare you the details and share this one thought. 

Luke 24: 50-53 says:
Then Jesus led [the disciples] to Bethany, and lifting his hands to heaven, he blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up to heaven. So they worshiped him and then returned to Jerusalem filled with great joy. And they spent all of their time in the Temple, praising God. 

What an incredibly beautiful moment. Jesus spent the last 3 years with the disciples. He was their friend, Teacher and Lord, and he changed absolutely everything. How do the disciples react as they enter the unknown without him? They worshipped Jesus, obeyed his instruction and waited for the Holy Spirit to come.

Worship. Obey. Wait.  

This season seems like it will last forever but the reality is, it won't. Seasons come and seasons go, this one is no different. What won't pass is the work and Word of our Father. What is my reaction in this uncertain season? What is yours?

As frustrating, painful, lonely, and difficult this time may be, may we follow the disciples' example and worship, obey and wait on the Father, because we know He never changes, even if the seasons do.

Zoom is the new normal! Anne and I meet for half an hour everyday. It's great to have a daily check-in and use this time for mentoring. As you can see, we have fun!

Zoom is the new normal! Anne and I meet for half an hour everyday. It's great to have a daily check-in and use this time for mentoring. As you can see, we have fun!

Things look a lot different!

As we enter the third month of quarantine, we continue to invest in students as we pray, challenge and encourage them in the way of Christ. Along with online programs, we are:

  • Sharing #ForNorthPerth prayer & devotional videos every Tuesday and Thursday on our Facebook and Instagram page

  • Hosting virtual drop-in twice a week via Houseparty

  • Surprising students with a 'Driveway Drop-off', stopping by their home to bless them with a treat!

I'm also supervising and working alongside our Summer Student, Anne! Anne was a student at LDSS two years ago and was very involved in our programs. She longs to know God, make Him known to the people around her, and is just plain fun to be with! It is a blessing to serve with her.

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Upcoming Event! 

Even though it's going to look different this year, I am biking 25km for YFC's annual Tour For Teens! If you would like to sponsor my ride, click the donate button below. All proceeds raised go directly to my ministry!


  • Upcoming fundraisers, Tour For Teens and our annual Golf Tournament

  • Our Summer Student, Anne, as she serves with us from May- July

  • Students' mental health

  • Healed relationships within students' families 

  • Strength and health-- my energy level has been very low this month

Thank you for your prayer, support and encouragement in this season. I'm blessed to have you walk alongside me. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or specific prayer needs! It's great to know how I can be praying for you specifically. 

All For His Glory,